The Canadian Charity Law Podcast

In this episode, we provide an overview of fundraising guidelines for charities in Canada. We discuss the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) broad definition of fundraising, which encompasses a variety of activities, both direct and indirect.

We also highlight the CRA's focus on ensuring that charities maintain transparency and accountability in their fundraising practices.

Finally, we outline key pointers from the CRA's guidance, including the importance of adhering to the Income Tax Act, identifying unacceptable fundraising practices, meeting reporting requirements, and following best practices.

This episode is sponsored by B.I.G. Charity Law Group Professional Corporation, a Charity Law Firm serving charity and not-for-profit clients across Canada with registration and governance, and B.I.G. Charity Accounts Group, a bookkeeping firm serving Canadian charities with all their financial and tax filing needs.
P: 416-488-5888
P: 289-301-8883

What is The Canadian Charity Law Podcast ?

Exploring the ins-and-outs of Canadian Charity Law in a way that can be understood by the layperson, including Charity Registration, Not-for-Profit Incorporation, Charity Governance, Charity Fundraising, Tax Receipting, and much more!