Gabbing Girl Time

Today Gail and Jenn interview the incomparable Quiche Lorraine. This multi talented artist discusses their time on drag survivor. What it was like dealing with their team mates. How they intended to play the game and what ended up happening, Quiche is fascinating and this gentle spirit is definitely one to watch. Thank You for joining us on this episode of Gabbing Girl Time. We really appreciate you listening to us. We Love you! Please like and follow us on whatever platform you are listening and be sure to follow us on social media. @gabbinggailtime @brusisedtonsils @brattievonbeaverhausen @colinbuttedrag send us an email at Remember, it’s always a good day to follow your dreams and a better one when you help someone achieve theirs in the process! 

What is Gabbing Girl Time?

Dynamic Duo Gail and Jenn , a couple of mature fun gal-pals spill the tea about what its like to navigate being multifaceted women living in alternative lifestyles. Sharing their life experiences they hope to Inform, enlighten, and entertain as you listen in to their weekly adventures on Gabbing Girl Time.

Content is intended for mature audiences. Listeners' discretion is advised.