Papsda Pulpit

Of all the spiritual disciplines “Sabbathing” may not actually seem like it’s something we need to worry about because it just is. If we choose to go to church on Saturday then we are keeping the Sabbath. This week we explore Isaiah 58:13-14 as we consider just how significant honouring the Sabbath is for our growth in Jesus as His disciples.

Getting Started:
1. What is your favourite thing about Sabbath?
2. What is your favourite thing to do on Sabbath?

Digging Deeper - Isaiah 58:13-14
3. What stands out for you in this passage?
4. In what ways can what pleases us contradict what it pleases God?
5. What makes the Sabbath holy?
6. How do these verses challenge you?
7. What is the invitation in these verses?
8. Why is it significant for usas disciples to find joy in theSabbath?
9. What is God’s purpose in us experiencing the gift of the Sabbath?

How To Apply This
8. How is God challenging you to grow in your experience of the Sabbath?
9. What new ways are you going to seek God during Sabbath?
10. What might you need to let go of or include in order for you to honour the gift of the

What is Papsda Pulpit?

A collection of sermons that are part of a series at PAPSDA (Papatoetoe Seventh-day Adventist Community Church). We're based in the heart of South Auckland, Aotearoa, with purpose to grow disciples who grow disciples.