Staiano Plastic Surgery

I will talk about:
-Can you have an Abdominoplasty if you had previous open umbilical incisional hernia repair with mesh (Jan 2017) that was due to complication from prior surgery (laparoscopy and laparotomy in Apr 2016)?
-Do you need to know where the mesh is prior to Abdominoplasty surgery? If yes, is the scan done at your clinic or do I need to do the scan prior to the consultation? Which scan is best to see the abdominal mesh?
-I’m experiencing hernia like pain there but no diagnosis of possible hernia yet (I had a clear CT scan of abdomen -cavity- and due to have an ultrasound of my abdominal wall). Not sure if the pain is a hernia or damage from previous surgery (tear?)
-What are the pros and cons of carrying out Abdominoplasty and epigastric hernia repair at the same time?
-If I get diagnosed with a hernia (epigastric), can the hernia be repaired at the same time as the Abdominoplasty? Can this be done at your clinic? Who should I need to see (plastic and general) at your clinic ? and anything else that crops up….

What is Staiano Plastic Surgery?

I am a Plastic Surgeon and I own a Clinic where we specialise in Breast and Body Contouring. I do a Q&A every Tuesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.