Talk Truth with Mario Evon

On the final episode of Season 1 of ‘Talk Truth with Mario Evon’, I decided to take questions from the supporters, to talk about anything they wanted to know about. Note the option of anonymous submissions was allowed just to allow people to be as open as possible and taaaaalk truuuuuuth.

Show Notes

In this the final episode of Season 1, we explore what the listeners wanted to know about.  Questions were submitted anonymously and via email and as always were answered candidly and honestly.  Check out this episode to learn a lot more about ME, and while you enjoy the break, keep sharing ‘Talk Truth with Mario Evon’ with your friends until we return.

  • With all the plastic surgery at a high now and men tend to love big breasts and butt. Do you think Jamaican men are attracted to the plastic (fakeness) and can they even tell if the woman had any work done?

  • Who is your ultimate interviewee?

  • Have you ever had to “fire” a patient?

  • What scares you most when you are about to take a major step with your creativity? For example, launching a new single.

  • How do you manage the naysayers and critics who question or doubt the seriousness, competence and passion with which you pursue both careers in music and medicine? What are the emotional and other resources required and how did you develop those resources?
  • So it doesn't look like you grew up with sisters...what was it like for your mother in a household of men ...meaning, how did she navigate nurturing all of you yet maintaining her self-identity and position as a strong, grounded woman? Again, an assumption, but I really don't think it's wrong. Hearing her perspective from her own mouth on the programme would be nice.
  • How do you negotiate to be your true self with the demands of the world for you to conform or be somebody else? Example, being a doctor, lawyer, teacher; not an artist, farmer, photographer, etc.

  • Rephrase: How do you become your authentic self when society has a framework for you to become someone else?
  • What inspires your changing hairstyles? Are you ever afraid of what people will think?

  • When are you going to drop the next album?

  • What are the attributes you would look your soulmate? What qualities must they possess?

  • How deeply does the question "what's next" irks you as a creative? And what are some of your experiences (and processing of those experiences) with creativity blocks?  Do you think society is sensitive enough towards the creative processes of artists to include creative blocks? And what can be done to cultivate that?
  • How would you describe your transition or growth...or evolution rather... from the little boy at Mona Prep to Dr, Mario Evon, Guthrie? And how has it impacted your emotional self and personal growth?
  • I feel like your family has a nice little dynamics about it. I don't know them personally but I don't get the sense of toxic masculinity (meaning the over-exertion of societal ideas of masculinity) having being a part of the makeup. I feel like love existed in very expressed ways and this is evident in the way you talk to/with each other on the respective Talk Truth episodes. Alot of men have never experienced that, and women too, and would appreciate hearing about the experience. So my question is, what was it like growing up with a father and a brother who didn't exist with the fear of love between men; and how has that transcended as you and your brother got older?
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In your social media posts, tag ME, @MarioEvon and use hashtags #TalkTruthJA and #METalkTruth and @talktruthja (Twitter only).

Music for Podcast: Reggae Meets Soul (Outro) - Mario Evon
Artwork Photo by Tiffany Lue Yen Photography.
Special thanks to Wayne Guthrie for assistance with Audio Engineering.


“The people who doubt your seriousness are not the ones who are really watching.”

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What is Talk Truth with Mario Evon?

Medical Doctor, TV Host and Reggae-Soul Singer/Songwriter, Mario Evon, takes you on a uniquely Jamaican journey through a non-conservative, honest space created to allow his truth, and the truth of others to set them free to grow, laugh, learn and prosper.

From relationships, inspiration, sex and sexuality, to the ins and outs of entrepreneurship; In this space, we speak candidly about almost anything, with the intention to inspire, educate and entertain (‘Inspir-Edu-Tainment’), and create a fair and balanced space where your truth shall become your power. This is TALK TRUTH.