Simple Faith With Rusty George

Have you ever wondered why the stone was rolled away from the tomb? It wasn't so Jesus could get out; it was so we could look in and see that He wasn't there. Reflecting on Mary Magdalene's encounter at the empty tomb, we see a profound truth unfold: Jesus's resurrection not only revealed His victory over death but also opened the door for us to be adopted into the family of God. Despite her past, Mary was embraced into God's family, just as we are. Have you ever considered what it means to be accepted and adopted by the Father?

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Creators & Guests

Rusty George
Follower of Jesus, husband of lorrie, father of lindsey and sidney, pastor of Crossroads Christian Church

What is Simple Faith With Rusty George?

Rusty George is the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie. Under his dedicated leadership, Crossroads Christian Church aspires to flourish as a vibrant community committed to guiding individuals in their journey to discover and follow the path of Jesus.

Beyond leading Crossroads Church, Rusty is a global speaker, leader and teacher focusing on making real life simple. Rusty has also written several books and can be heard weekly on his podcast, Leading Simple with Rusty George.

Aside from being a loyal Chiefs, Royals, and Lakers fan, Rusty is first and foremost committed to his family. Rusty has been married to his wife, Lorrie, for over twenty-five years, and they have two daughters, Lindsey and Sidney. As a family, they enjoy walking the dogs, playing board games together, and watching HGTV while Rusty watches ESPN on his iPad.