The Dingbat Diaries Weekly

This episode is the beginning of what is to become Gender Identity Weekly - my existing Dingbat Diaries idea, but engaging other contributors to Gender Identity Today.  I may someday break this out into a separate podcast, but I will publish them here as well until the change occurs.

CDC Statistics:
The Trevor Project:
Williams Institute - LGBTQ:
Williams Institute - Transgender:
Gender Identity Today:

Creators & Guests

Amethysta Herrick
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Purplepaw Publications, LLC

What is The Dingbat Diaries Weekly?

Every week, join Amethysta Herrick to hear the interesting, frightening, and overall wacky stuff that thunks through her head. Topics include books Ami's reading, productivity tips, and the philosophy and science of gender and identity.