Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts

Welcome to the final episode of Subspecies Week on Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts!

After 25 years, Subspecies is back with “Subspecies 5: Blood Rise”.
A prequel to the events of the original series, the film brings us back in time to show how Radu Vladislas became the monster we know and love. I won’t ruin any of the films many surprises but I will say that it’s an incredible accomplishment for Ted Nicolaou and Full Moon. Anders Hove, Denice Duff and Kevin Spirtas are all back and seeing them step into the world of Subspecies again after all these years is as exciting as any fan could have hoped.
The film is also a perfect starting point for folks who are new to the series because, well, it’s a prequel. Set some time aside though because after you see it you will feel you must see the rest of the films immediately. And boy are you lucky!
“Subspecies 5: Blood Rise” played earlier this month at Alamo Drafthouse theaters and will be having its steaming premiere on Full Moon Streaming and Screambox on June 2nd.
Without further delay, joining me to look at the return of this beloved series are writer/director Ted Nicolaou and stars Denice Duff, Kevin Spirtas and Anders Hove. Let’s bare our fangs and take a bite!
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What is Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts?

Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts is a horror culture podcast featuring influential and up-and-coming talent in the genre. You're the fly on the wall to the most wide-ranging and entertaining conversations between horror culture’s recognized titans of terror and genre expert and film director, Kevin Lane.