Talk Bible To Me

The start of the book of Hosea is like one of these dramas. We’re introduced to his family and, poor guy, not one of his family members has a good character description, aside from himself. We’ve got his wife, Gomer, the unfaithful betrayer. Then you’ve got his three children who are so much like their wayward mother that even the names they're given are a representation of how far the family has fallen from God. And it’s easy to look at this first chapter with two reactions; either you’re awkwardly laughing at how messy this family seems to be, or you’re thinking it’s a bit unfair that faithful prophet Hosea has been tasked with such an awful family situation. Either way, you’re not totally wrong, but here’s the thing: we are this family.

Show Notes

The start of the book of Hosea is like one of these dramas. We’re introduced to his family and, poor guy, not one of his family members has a good character description, aside from himself. We’ve got his wife, Gomer, the unfaithful betrayer. Then you’ve got his three children who are so much like their wayward mother that even the names they're given are a representation of how far the family has fallen from God. And it’s easy to look at this first chapter with two reactions; either you’re awkwardly laughing at how messy this family seems to be, or you’re thinking it’s a bit unfair that faithful prophet Hosea has been tasked with such an awful family situation. Either way, you’re not totally wrong, but here’s the thing: we are this family.

Creators & Guests

Emily Richardson
Jesus always • pastor's wife • mama to Judah and Savannah ♡ • homemaker 🧺
Megan Rawlings
I like teaching women about Jesus and my puns intended.

What is Talk Bible To Me?

Talk Bible to Me is a podcast dedicated to working through the Bible, verse-by-verse. This material for this outlet is created by The Bold Movement team. They are a ministry for women who desire to understand the Bible in a more profound way. This podcast is a production of 1801 Media, Inc.

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