Eanes Parents Unite

Meet Jay Lamy a challenger to incumbent Ellen Balthazar for place #7 on the EISD Board of Trustees. Mr. Lamy is a native Texan and has grown up in Westlake. His children attend EISD and he is a successful local businessman who believes he can bring a positive energy and level of fiscal responsibility and creativity to the board that it needs to solve the teacher attrition problem and over-dependence on charitable fundraising. His campaign slogan "Come together right now!" communicates his passion for re-uniting the community after a few tough years and getting back to focusing on our kids' education and keeping EISD excellent. Note: Each candidate interviewed has full editorial control over the content of each episode and final approval before publishing.

What is Eanes Parents Unite?

We’re trying to start a productive conversation about the current state of Eanes Independent School District. Our hope is to find common ground as parents and leaders by discussing the history of EISD, the merits of leadership decisions happening right now, and the change in the district’s stated mission that could hold sway over its future. This conversation is vital because, like all parents, we want our children to grow as individuals, learn in a culture of excellence, and remain safe while doing it. EISD has delivered on all of these promises in the past, and now we must work hard to preserve it for our kids. No matter your stance on the issues, please join the conversation and believe in Eanes!