Run With It

You need an idea to start a successful business, right? David Cristello doesn’t think so. Listen to him share how he would pull the pain out of dentists and create a business around it.

Show Notes


  • Savvy founders often don’t come up with their own business ideas - they get them from an opportune market
  • You can do this even if you have a full-time job - you have to get laser focused on the most important activities

Action Steps:

  1. Search for the top 100 dental practices in the country
  2. Reach out to them and interview them to find out what about their systems are producing results
  3. Starting a podcast about dentists as a platform to connect with them could provide you much more leverage than cold emails and build deeper relationships faster
  4. Notice that their processes are probably pieced together using spreadsheets and by connecting disparate software tools
  5. Start documenting the processes you discover
  6. Wireframe a software using Balsamiq, Keynotopia, or just cutting and pasting buttons and flows from your favorite software and apps
Follow through on these action steps and email us your results at You'll get exclusive access to a private Facebook group of action takers and one listener will earn a free mentorship call with our guest, and potentially, a business partnership.


Jetpack Workflow
David Hauser on Run With It
Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

David Cristello is the CEO & Founder of Jetpack Workflow, which is used by thousands of accountants in 18+ countries to help them better manage their client work. He has a background in (lean, cost effective, measurable, value driven) Marketing, specifically for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups.

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What is Run With It?

Need a business idea? Run With It shares unused business ideas from successful entrepreneurs, including the exact steps they would take to launch them. If you're looking for a ready-made business idea, proven founders are sharing them every week on Run With It.