Modernize or Die ® Podcast

2023-11-07 Weekly News — Episode 206

Watch the video version on YouTube at

  • Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
  • Grant Copley - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. 
A few ways  to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:

Patreon Support (radical)

We have 41 patreons:

News and Announcements

Adobe ColdFusion India Summit 2023
December 2nd, 2023
Register for Free
Adobe Summit Returns to India for a Trailblazing Tech Encounter
Meet coders from across the globe, learn from industry professionals, and get inspired to develop unique apps right in India!   
After four long years, Adobe ColdFusion Summit is finally making its triumphant return to the country. Join us in Bengaluru on December 2 for exciting sessions that explore Adobe ColdFusion like never before and also sneak a peek into what the future holds for ColdFusion!

New Releases and Updates

Adobe Updates

10/23/2023- Added Java installers for Java 17.0.9, Java 11.0.21 & JDK/JRE 8u391

10/10/2023- Refreshed the Server ZIP and GUI installers, Lockdown installer, and Add-on installer for ColdFusion (2023 release).

Avoid issues with Update thanks for Brian for this post:

The new connectors in ColdFusion 2023 Update 5 and ColdFusion 2021 Update 11 perform the following actions:
  • normalize the request URI
  • block any requests with .. in the URI path (which could be attempts to exploit directory traversal vulnerabilities)
  • block any requests in which the normalized URI path starts with a case-insensitive /CFIDE 

FORGEBOX v7.7 Released

In the ever-evolving world of software development, staying at the forefront is essential. That's why we're thrilled to announce the release of ForgeBox 7.7, a significant update that promises to make your experience even better. This release brings a host of new features and enhancements that will empower developers like never before. Let's dive into what ForgeBox 7.7 has to offer.

Webinar / Meetups and Workshops

Hawaii ColdFusion Meetup Group - InertiaJS and ColdFusion with Eric Peterson
November 24th
InertiaJS is a new JavaScript framework made for people who don’t really need an API but want to use a modern JavaScript framework like React or Vue as their view layer. Inspired by libraries like Turbolinks, InteriaJS makes your app behave like a SPA while still being a fully sever-rendered app.

ColdFusion Security Training
Writing Secure CFML with Pete Freitag
A hands-on CFML / ColdFusion Security Training class for developers. Learn how to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in your ColdFusion / CFML applications.

Where: Online
When: Tuesday December 12, 2023 @ 11am-2pmEST & Wednesday December 13 @ 11am-2pm
Price: $899 per student

The class will be recorded, so if you cannot attend it fully online you will have access to a recording.

CFCasts Content Updates

Recent Releases
Coming Soon
  • ITB 2023 videos - will be open to all CFCasts Subscribers November 18th for Thanks Giving Week
  • ColdBox Elixir from Eric
  • Mastering CBWIRE v3 from Grant

Conferences and Training

Into the Box LATAM

November 30th
University of Business in El Salvador.

Speakers and Schedules available

Adobe ColdFusion India Summit 2023
December 2nd, 2023
Register for Free
Location: Bengaluru, India

ITB 2024
More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week

10/31/23 - Blog - Robert Zehnder - Creating a commandline API viewer with CommandBox
As someone who's deeply enthusiastic about APIs and Ortus products, I regularly turn to ColdBox as my go-to framework and CommandBox for running my development environment. One standout feature of CommandBox is its ability to create custom commands via ColdFusion. Plus, its compatibility across operating systems, whether it's Linux, MacOS, or Windows, is a significant advantage.

10/24/23 - Blog - Ortus Solutions - ColdBox 7 Workshop 2023: Mission Accomplished!
Our two-day ColdBox 7 Workshop of 2023 has concluded, and it was an exciting journey of knowledge and skill-building. Our attendees came, saw, and conquered, learning a treasure trove of materials, techniques, tools, and resources to enhance their projects with ColdBox 7 mastery. It was a fantastic ride, indeed!

10/18/23 - Blog - Brian Reilly - ColdFusion, Connectors, and CFAdmin Security (for more than just ColdFusion 2023 Update 5 and ColdFusion 2021 Update 11)
This post is about ColdFusion 2023 Update 5 and ColdFusion 2021 Update 11, but it's also about more than just those versions.  Because access to the ColdFusion Administrator (CFAdmin) should be tightly controlled regardless of what version of ColdFusion you're running.

10/25/23 - Blog - Ortus Solutions - FORGEBOX v7.7 Released
In the ever-evolving world of software development, staying at the forefront is essential. That's why we're thrilled to announce the release of ForgeBox 7.7, a significant update that promises to make your experience even better. This release brings a host of new features and enhancements that will empower developers like never before. Let's dive into what ForgeBox 7.7 has to offer. 

10/20/23 - Blog - Ortus Solutions - Adobe CFSummit 2023: Thank You and Event Results!
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us at Adobe CFSummit 2023. It was a fantastic event; we were thrilled to be part of this incredible community. Your presence made the event a tremendous success, and we hope you learned and had fun as much as we did!

10/14/23 - Blog - Ben Nadel - jSoup Error: Index Out Of Bounds For Length
Over on my Feature Flags Book site, I'm starting to move some of the content behind a pay-wall; and, to do this, I'm using jSoup to replace multiple content paragraphs with a single purchase notice paragraph within designated chapters. However, in my first approach to this algorithm, I was getting the following jSoup error:
Index 1 out of bounds for length 0


Several positions available on

Listing over 107 ColdFusion positions from 65 companies across 45 locations in 5 Countries.

6 new jobs listed in the last few weeks

Full-Time - Junior Full Stack Developer ( ColdFusion ) at Hyderabad, Tel.. - India
Oct 27

Full-Time - Mid-Level Full Stack Developer ( ColdFusion ) at Hyderabad, .. - India
Oct 27

Full-Time - Senior Full Stack Developer ( ColdFusion ) at Hyderabad, Tel.. - India
Oct 27

Full-Time - R2R - L3 New ColdFusion C1 at Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra.. - India
Oct 18

Full-Time - ColdFusion Developer with CFML experience at 100 Percent Rem.. - United States
Oct 12

Full-Time - ColdFusion Developer at Quincy, Massachusetts - United States
Oct 12

Other Job Links
There is a jobs channel in the CFML slack team, and in the Box team slack now too

ForgeBox Module of the Week

FORGEBOX v7.7 Released

In the ever-evolving world of software development, staying at the forefront is essential. That's why we're thrilled to announce the release of ForgeBox 7.7, a significant update that promises to make your experience even better. This release brings a host of new features and enhancements that will empower developers like never before. Let's dive into what ForgeBox 7.7 has to offer. 

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Package JSON Upgrade

Shows available updates in package.json. Offers quick actions to guide you in your updating.
The available updates are shown as color coded decoration to the right of each line.
The extension adds code actions that are available through the quick fix-command. Default keyboard shortcut is "ctrl + ."
These quick actions can update the dependency, but also links to the homepage and, if found, the changelog.
The extension will pick up your npm configurations and use them, so it works with proxies, private npm registries and scopes.
The extension also adds a command to update all dependencies in the package.json file.

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox,  ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

You can support us on Patreon here

Don’t forget, we have Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses everyone.

  • Bronze Packages and up, now get a ForgeBox Pro and CFCasts subscriptions as a perk for their Patreon Subscription.
  • All Patreon supporters have a Profile badge on the Community Website
  • All Patreon supporters have their own Private Forum access on the Community Website
  • All Patreon supporters have their own Private Channel access BoxTeam Slack

Top Patreons (radical)
  • John Wilson - Synaptrix
  • Tomorrows Guides
  • Jordan Clark
  • Gary Knight
  • Giancarlo Gomez 
  • David Belanger 
  • Dan Card
  • James Moberg & Jeffry McGee - Sunstar Media 
  • Dean Maunder
  • Kevin Wright
  • Doug Cain 
  • Nolan Erck 
  • Abdul Raheen

And many more Patreons
You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

Thanks everyone!!!

★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is Modernize or Die ® Podcast?

Technology is ever changing, blink and you miss it, until now. This podcast keeps you up to date on everything ColdFusion related. News, Engine and Package Updates and Releases, Webinars Meetups and Workshops, CFCast updates, Conferences, Blog Tweets and Videos the Week from the Community, Job offerings, as well as the ForgeBox module of the Week and the VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week.