The #InVinoFab Podcast

Hey.... remember us! It’s your #InVinoFab podcast hosts @laurapasquini & @profpatrice. It’s been a while. We’ve missed you. Sorry for the delay in the play, but we’ve been busy and up to a few things this past few months for episodes and interviews to come! In this vignette (mini podcast episode), we share some ideas to take care of your well-being as we enter into May which is #MentalHealthAwareness month ( and we are just around the corner from Mother’s Day (in the US & Canada).

Show Notes

May You Be Mindful
Hey.... remember us! It’s your #InVinoFab podcast hosts @laurapasquini & @profpatrice. It’s been a while. We’ve missed you. Sorry for the delay in the play, but we’ve been busy and up to a few things this past few months for episodes and interviews to come! In this vignette (mini podcast episode), we share some ideas to take care of your well-being as we enter into May which is #MentalHealthAwareness month ( and we are just around the corner from Mother’s Day (in the US & Canada).

Shopping for Mother's Day or want to find some #TreatYoSelf presents? How do you relieve stress and anxiety when you need to turn your busy day around? 

Here are a few of the suggestions we mentioned for chilling out, cheers,  and productivity:
--Bullet Journal
--Get To Work Book 

Apps/Tools for Meditation & Mindfulness:
--Why Should We Meditate? Andy Puddicombe 
--Noisli (web or app)  
--Miracle TimeCube 
--Waterglider Zafu Yoga Meditation cushion

Cheerful in 100 Days
The Headspace Guide to Meditation & Mindfulness
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing 

Stay connected to the #InVinoFab Podcast:

What is The #InVinoFab Podcast?

The #InVinoFab Podcast uncorks to share stories about women+, wine, and work through personal stories. In Vino Fabulum, means: In Wine, Story! Co-hosts @ProfPatrice & @LauraPasquini bring different voices and ideas to the pod to challenge, learn, and engage listeners for issues and ideas impacting women in their communities and at work. These narrative episodes are delightfully paired with interesting projects, workplace experiences, helpful learning anecdotes, and creative discoveries for how women live today. Listen to the podcast and join the conversation at @InVinoFab (Instagram & Twitter).