The Banana Stand Podcast

Michael Bluth just wants to use his father's car so he can save the family, leading to a confrontation with GOB at the Banana Stand, where Michael won't allow George Michael to serve his uncle a frozen banana for free. That leads to accusations that Michael isn't charitable, which turns into a competition with Lindsay that she quickly regrets. Michael tries to outdo Lindsay, only to end up in a police car with his son, who was also just trying to do right by his family!

Show Notes

Episode 5 charity drive

Lucille gave Lucille 2 tickets to the Producers.. 2 says you must have scrimped and saved to buy these.

Michael just wants the car to save the family. George Michael gets busted in the permits office after his father accidentally lies to the investors.. who think he’s lying because he’s sweating.. which is because he rides his bike to work.

Gob and and Michael get into it about the banana stand, when the elder brother attempts to make george Michael give him a “Gob”.. double dipped, has two sticks, everything on it. Michael is accused of not being charitable and that he’s selfish.

Gob tells everyone what Michael does and he gets flacks from his mother, father and Lindsay about his selfishness and lack of charity.

Lindsay struggles in nature, this time in the wetlands she planned to literally save.. but it was Michael who saved Lindsay from total humiliation.
The man who truly knows what charity is..

Buster blows it with his grand gestures.. and gets the wrong Lucille.

George Michael protects maybe when they get busted in his failed break-in, and ends up in the back seat of a squad car which his father, who though he was driving Lupita home, but had actually kidnapped someone else.
Michael says let’s go see pop pop

What is The Banana Stand Podcast ?

This is the story of a father.. who started watching Arrested Development in 2003, finished it in 2019, and now gets schooled by his daughter.. who watched the entire series multiple times, before he finally got to Season 5. It's the Banana Stand Podcast... because.. there is always money in the Banana Stand.