00:00:01.360 --> 00:00:23.315
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Hey. It's a podcast. Everybody, come on in. Welcome to this episode of DodoBorne a actual play, Daggerheart podcast. Daggerheart, for those who are unaware, is a fantasy tabletop role playing game developed by the lovely people over at Darrington Press, AKA the people who do Critical Role.

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We are going to be playing that system today. It is still in beta, version 1.5. The campaign that we will be running is a modified version of the 5 banners burning campaign frame that you can find within the book. Obviously, modified for our purposes as everyone should. But without further ado, allow me to introduce the person on my left, Rowan Collins.

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Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself and your character, and then give a really good lead in to the person on your left just like I did for you?

00:00:55.020 --> 00:01:05.360
<v Rowan Collins>Okay. Cool. Hey. I'm Rowan Collins, they them. I'm going to be playing a pistachio droop, who is an order born fawn druid of renewal.

00:01:05.580 --> 00:01:14.535
They're a little pudgy, nature y person who's allergic to the outside, which is super fun for them. I'm gonna be passing it to, Joseph D'Amati.

00:01:15.235 --> 00:01:28.620
<v Joe Diametti>Yep. I'm Joseph Diametti. I'm going to be playing Kapi, who is a slyborn firbolg rogue. He is a cow humanoid, very tall, very lanky. He's been in one place for too long.

00:01:28.620 --> 00:01:44.025
I think, you know, he's tried to rise through the ranks, and he's kinda hit a wall. He's kinda going through the motions. Luckily, he likes to hide all of his trauma with humor, so that's probably good for entertainment. I'm going to pass it to my left, which is Annie Hawthorne.

00:01:44.405 --> 00:01:56.520
<v Annie Hawthorne>Hi. I'm Annie Hawthorne. She, her. I will be playing Crank the Clink, who is an order born stalwart guardian and is just 7 feet of pure titanium trying to become a wizard.

00:01:56.820 --> 00:02:09.325
<v Isaac Allen Burns>And I'm Isaac Allen Burns. That's right. Your GM, your best friend, and the person talking right now. Now some of you might be wondering, Isaac, order born, slime born, what are these words? What do they mean?

00:02:09.865 --> 00:02:49.520
Well, for those of you who are maybe less familiar with dagger heart, it is, similar to other fantasy role playing games in that when you create a character, you decide a couple of back background and ancestral traits for that character rather than being specific words that we have heard before like sage and soldier. In this one, you can select backgrounds that are a little more general so that you can make it your own. Because one big difference between this one and other perhaps more popular tabletop role playing games is that this is a lot more collaborative, a lot more storytelling based. While on that note, cue the music. Welcome to Altea.

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Shit. Let's try that again. I go. I'm sorry. Welcome to Altea, a land that is full of promise and adventure.

00:04:04.995 --> 00:04:26.245
From beautiful blue seas to tall snow capped mountains, from rolling plains to desert sands, from thick forests to sparkling lakes. The only thing more diverse than the land is its people. So many different people toil, work, and thrive in these lands. And we're gonna zoom in on a small town between two mountains. The town is called Bracken Road.

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There isn't a lot that puts Bracken Road on the map, but there is one thing that keeps it there, and that's their apples. You guys, Bracken Road apples are famous. They're the perfect apple. Perfect balance of sweet and tart

00:04:38.865 --> 00:04:40.200
<v Joe Diametti>What what kind of apples?

00:04:40.600 --> 00:04:41.100
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Honeycrisp.

00:04:41.240 --> 00:04:43.880
<v Joe Diametti>Honeycrisp. Is it only honeycrisp? What did you say?

00:04:43.880 --> 00:04:45.160
<v Isaac Allen Burns>They're Bracken Road apples.

00:04:45.160 --> 00:04:46.120
<v Joe Diametti>They're just Bracken Road?

00:04:46.120 --> 00:04:49.320
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Yeah. They're Bracken Road apples. But what's the perfect apple to you, Joe?

00:04:49.320 --> 00:04:52.680
<v Joe Diametti>Damn. Don't flip. That's that's karma. That's karma. I was

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<v Rowan Collins>trying to

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<v Joe Diametti>trap you into, like, naming

00:04:54.680 --> 00:05:07.985
<v Isaac Allen Burns>They're Bracken Road apples. And, you know, in recent years, they've actually begun experimenting with various apple, technologies. The palmologists that live within back and road, which that's right. That's the study of apples, you guys. We're here to teach you something.

00:05:08.205 --> 00:05:22.000
The palmologists have all kinds of different app Bracken Road apple strains, but, you know, we're not interested in the apples right now. We're interested in the people that live inside of Bracken Road. Can everybody roll a d twelve for me? And whoever rolls highest gets to start.

00:05:24.085 --> 00:05:27.145
<v Annie Hawthorne>8. 51. Woah.

00:05:27.605 --> 00:05:49.200
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You know, to take a step back, Daggerheart is a little different from other tabletop role playing games, and that it is emphasized that the players also have, you know, equivalent control over certain story beats. And so I'm gonna seat the floor over to you, Joe, my highest roller. How does Cappy's day start? Go ahead and take you are now the DM. You are now the GM, and you get to tell us.

00:05:49.260 --> 00:05:50.700
How does Cappy's day start?

00:05:50.700 --> 00:05:59.805
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. So Cappy sleeps at the adventures guild. It's where he lives. It's where he's lived for years now. He's the senior member of the adventures guild.

00:06:00.125 --> 00:06:08.765
And he, you know, he gets up. He throws on his infamous adventures guild jacket. He never goes anywhere without his jacket. It's faded. It's long.

00:06:08.765 --> 00:06:28.255
It's 2 toned. Kind of like a, Letterman from high school. It has the the patch for the adventures guild on it, and it's, you know, very worn. He's probably gonna get up and stumble in to find the owner of the adventures guild. Do I pick his name, or do you have

00:06:28.255 --> 00:06:29.375
<v Isaac Allen Burns>a name? Cyrus, actually.

00:06:29.375 --> 00:06:30.115
<v Joe Diametti>Cyrus. Good.

00:06:30.495 --> 00:06:49.570
<v Isaac Allen Burns>To describe Cyrus, I want you to imagine, a large, which is like, a person that's, like, mostly ape. So this guy is closer to Donkey Kong than he is Diddy. He's very top heavy like a swimmer. Red fur. Completely red fur, like you're playing on red team in Super Smash Brothers and you're also playing Donkey Kong.

00:06:49.570 --> 00:07:05.950
Except instead of a tie, he's got, like, a wife beater and a suspenders combo with some black slacks that have seen better days. And he's sort of, like, head on the front desk, empty bottle in his hands, snoring real loud. He's like, Cyrus,

00:07:05.950 --> 00:07:06.690
<v Joe Diametti>come on.

00:07:07.790 --> 00:07:09.410
<v Isaac Allen Burns>That's Cyrus. He's doing that one.

00:07:09.790 --> 00:07:11.390
<v Joe Diametti>Come on, bud. Let's get you to bed.

00:07:11.390 --> 00:07:13.390
<v Isaac Allen Burns>I what are you telling me to do?

00:07:13.390 --> 00:07:16.270
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. I know. Everyone's telling me what to do.

00:07:16.270 --> 00:07:20.915
<v Isaac Allen Burns>I'm at the desk. What do you want from me? I'm behind the desk here. I'm in my station. I'm in my post.

00:07:20.915 --> 00:07:22.835
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. We need to get you to sleep. How long have you been here?

00:07:22.835 --> 00:07:26.835
<v Isaac Allen Burns>I'm asleep I'm sleeping just fine. Alright. I was sleeping just fine. Okay. You don't gotta tell me what

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<v Joe Diametti>to do. Alright. And I just grab the bottle forcibly at least, and then kind of walk off and throw it in the trash.

00:07:33.090 --> 00:07:33.890
<v Rowan Collins>Hey. There were a couple

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<v Isaac Allen Burns>of dead swigs in there.

00:07:35.010 --> 00:07:38.770
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then, you know, by as he's saying that, I'm already leaving the door.

00:07:38.770 --> 00:07:43.975
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You you hear him, like, kinda yelling at you like he always does. Somewhat vague and somewhat un understandable.

00:07:43.975 --> 00:07:47.335
<v Joe Diametti>And Cappy's used to it. So, you know, it's usually at one ear or the other.

00:07:47.335 --> 00:07:48.375
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Today is no different.

00:07:48.375 --> 00:07:59.660
<v Joe Diametti>Nope. Today is no different. So he goes outside. It's a lovely day. He's headed for the town's bakery, which specializes in exclusively apple.

00:08:00.680 --> 00:08:01.580
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Apple confections.

00:08:01.720 --> 00:08:02.120
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah.

00:08:02.120 --> 00:08:04.440
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Apple tarts, apple pies. Yes.

00:08:04.440 --> 00:08:07.500
<v Rowan Collins>Apple fritters. Apple fritters.

00:08:07.800 --> 00:08:09.500
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Apple apple muffins?

00:08:09.640 --> 00:08:21.765
<v Joe Diametti>Fritters, especially. Cappy loves apple fritters. Love those fritters. And that's actually where Cappy's headed, right now to get his morning apple fritter. Like, some people need their shower to wake up or, like, a cup of coffee.

00:08:21.825 --> 00:08:24.300
Cappy needs his apple fritter.

00:08:24.380 --> 00:08:25.580
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Cappy needs his apple fritter.

00:08:25.580 --> 00:08:25.740
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah.

00:08:25.740 --> 00:08:40.175
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Because Cappy is walking through the street. It's a beautiful springtime day. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna plant my flag on it springtime. Cool. It's gonna make a lot of sense to you because Cappy, the place, the sleepy town of Bracken Road is uncharacteristically a buzz.

00:08:40.635 --> 00:09:00.630
Because in 2 weeks from now, it's gonna be the Apple Festival. That's right. The Bracken Road Apple Festival is probably the most exciting thing that happens in the town, or exciting than pretty much every other holiday. People are in fast stances trying to get this place up and ready for the festival. And as you're walking in to this bakery, this place is no different.

00:09:00.630 --> 00:09:03.610
Tell me about this bakery. Tell us, the listeners, about this bakery.

00:09:03.750 --> 00:09:18.595
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. I mean, so the bakery has one of those bells that ring when you walk in the door. It's real quaint. There's, you know, a few tables inside to, you know, sit at and eat your pastry, maybe have your cup of coffee. I was gonna say cup of Joe, but that's stupid.

00:09:20.175 --> 00:09:21.390
<v Isaac Allen Burns>I have a cup of Joe.

00:09:21.390 --> 00:09:22.750
<v Rowan Collins>They're having a cup of you, Joe.

00:09:22.750 --> 00:09:29.630
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. I know. So dumb. So, you know, Cappy, like, he's walking through town. Like you said, it's really busy.

00:09:29.630 --> 00:09:42.965
Everything's buzzing, and he's not paying any attention. He's just kinda, like, looking down, walking. He walks in the door. He sees that there's a big line, which is abnormal, and he's like, so he kinda just stands there, and he waits to get to the front.

00:09:43.345 --> 00:09:50.760
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Yeah. You are standing in the back in this little bakery. And this is kind of a small building, I would say. It's not like a huge building by any means. It's a classic bakery.

00:09:50.760 --> 00:09:59.800
One door in, one door out, a couple people working there. You know, Kathy, is there anyone that's working there today that you're happy to see, would you say?

00:09:59.800 --> 00:10:22.220
<v Joe Diametti>I'm I'm looking. I definitely am looking for someone to be working. It's Scarlett who's a fawn in this town. She happens to be the daughter of the apple orchard owners. It's a very lucrative, very successful, and she is very driven to, you know, kinda take the reins of that business, and she runs the bakery for her parents.

00:10:22.520 --> 00:10:35.055
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You, in fact, see Scarlett. Yeah. Because much like most cafes we're used to, there is someone that is making drinks and making the food. And you know what they do? They call out the names of the people.

00:10:35.195 --> 00:10:58.880
So sure enough, you see Scarlett walk over to the edge of the little bar, where you see there's a glass case with a lot of, cooked earlier that day goods to show off what people can get. She stands right behind it, places a little order on it, and yells out a name. The name doesn't matter. In fact, I don't even think Cappy registers the name. All Cappy registers, I think, is the beautiful timbre of her voice.

00:10:59.100 --> 00:11:09.285
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. Definitely. I imagine Cappy's here every day, so the attendants know him. And I assume they're also pretty annoyed generally with him trying to get Scarlett's attention.

00:11:09.745 --> 00:11:16.860
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You you actually see that, one of them, a sort of older fawn woman sees you in the back there.

00:11:17.800 --> 00:11:18.540
<v Joe Diametti>Hi, Carol.

00:11:19.160 --> 00:11:19.980
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Hi, Gabby.

00:11:20.040 --> 00:11:23.980
<v Joe Diametti>Hi. Can I can I get a is is there any fritters left?

00:11:24.120 --> 00:11:31.165
<v Isaac Allen Burns>She points at the very edge, and you see sure enough that there is a little to go bag with just the right amount of fritters.

00:11:31.165 --> 00:11:38.605
<v Joe Diametti>Oh, perfect. Yeah. That's then could I could I actually get Scarlet to give me him? I I just had the punch card. Right?

00:11:38.605 --> 00:11:40.830
So I I it's like if you get 10, like,

00:11:40.910 --> 00:11:42.910
<v Isaac Allen Burns>what You need Scarlett to punch it for me.

00:11:42.910 --> 00:11:50.430
<v Joe Diametti>I just I thought maybe I she it meant a lot to her that I got 10. I know this is a big initiative for the bakery. Right.

00:11:50.430 --> 00:11:52.430
<v Isaac Allen Burns>It's a big initiative for her for her.

00:11:52.430 --> 00:11:54.210
<v Joe Diametti>Carol, can we just okay.

00:11:54.670 --> 00:12:02.425
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Scarlett, you got a customer. You see Scarlett comes over and sees you, and gives you a smile and says, Kathy, hi.

00:12:02.425 --> 00:12:07.705
<v Joe Diametti>Hey, Scarlett. What are you? What's what's up? Still working. Still working.

00:12:07.705 --> 00:12:13.430
Yeah. No. I people here today. It's really, really busy. Do you you like that when it's busy like this?

00:12:13.490 --> 00:12:17.970
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Well, it's good to know that the business is thriving. Yeah. New people coming in.

00:12:17.970 --> 00:12:21.590
<v Joe Diametti>I I love it. I'm big fan of these new reward programs.

00:12:21.650 --> 00:12:22.530
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Yeah. The punch card?

00:12:22.530 --> 00:12:24.770
<v Joe Diametti>Yes. My 10th one since you

00:12:24.850 --> 00:12:25.410
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, really?

00:12:25.570 --> 00:12:28.145
<v Joe Diametti>Which means it was 10 days ago that you launched.

00:12:28.685 --> 00:12:30.785
<v Isaac Allen Burns>That's right. This is a very fresh initiative.

00:12:31.005 --> 00:12:39.265
<v Joe Diametti>Right. So, I I just I thought you would probably well, hey. What are you doing later? Well Like, after, you know, after the bakery.

00:12:40.110 --> 00:12:44.190
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, well, it's funny you should say that because, you know, the Apple Festival's in 2 weeks.

00:12:44.190 --> 00:12:46.930
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. I know. I yeah. Big time for Sam.

00:12:47.150 --> 00:12:49.710
<v Isaac Allen Burns>It is. I'm actually gonna be working a double shift today.

00:12:49.710 --> 00:12:51.730
<v Joe Diametti>Double shift. So, like, 7?

00:12:53.150 --> 00:12:56.205
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Well, 7 is when I get my dinner break.

00:12:56.205 --> 00:13:01.005
<v Joe Diametti>Dinner break. So 10 minutes. Ah, dinner. So, dinner you wanna do dinner tonight?

00:13:01.005 --> 00:13:02.365
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Today's really not a good day.

00:13:02.365 --> 00:13:02.765
<v Joe Diametti>Today is

00:13:02.765 --> 00:13:03.405
<v Annie Hawthorne>really not

00:13:03.405 --> 00:13:03.885
<v Isaac Allen Burns>a good day. No. I get it.

00:13:03.885 --> 00:13:12.720
<v Joe Diametti>I I'm really busy too. I, adventure guild that I, like, tap the, you know, the the patch on my left side of the chest. Adventure gill and stuff. So Her

00:13:12.720 --> 00:13:13.840
<v Isaac Allen Burns>smile is so polite.

00:13:13.840 --> 00:13:16.960
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. And he he's trying so hard, like, way too hard.

00:13:16.960 --> 00:13:22.735
<v Isaac Allen Burns>She kinda is just smiling, trying to figure out what to say. It just says, you know, maybe another time.

00:13:22.735 --> 00:13:24.815
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. Go. I'll yeah. So Maybe

00:13:24.815 --> 00:13:26.015
<v Isaac Allen Burns>after the Apple Festival.

00:13:26.015 --> 00:13:26.335
<v Joe Diametti>Okay.

00:13:26.335 --> 00:13:27.075
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Yeah. Yeah.

00:13:27.455 --> 00:13:32.575
<v Joe Diametti>Or maybe I'll I mean, I could see you at the app. Okay. Can I get my please, actually? Just She

00:13:32.575 --> 00:13:36.080
<v Isaac Allen Burns>hands it to you and says, well, I hope you have a good day, Kathy.

00:13:36.140 --> 00:13:39.520
<v Joe Diametti>Yeah. Yeah. You too, Scarlet. Thank you. Yeah.

00:13:39.660 --> 00:13:49.065
And I leave, and I am just, like, on cloud 9. I'm talking to myself. I mean, that was that was fantastic, that conversation. That was great. That was, man, back in the game.

00:13:49.065 --> 00:13:52.365
Kathy, let's go. Back in the saddle. Kathy leaves,

00:13:53.705 --> 00:14:21.615
<v Isaac Allen Burns>seeing none of the faces that, Carol was making, but Kathy goes back to the building. And we move a little further away, a little further away from maybe the town center where the guild is. Maybe a little out further into the country to find a little house of well, who am I to say what size the house is? Pistachio. Why don't you tell us a little bit about how pistachio days start and what's around?

00:14:22.475 --> 00:14:37.810
<v Rowan Collins>So the camera pans in on, a farm land out in the in the outskirts of the city. It's not an apple farm. In fact, if the wizened viewers would see that it's actually a peanut farm, Breckenridge Breckenridge?

00:14:38.110 --> 00:14:39.010
<v Rowan Collins>Yeah. Breckenridge.

00:14:39.150 --> 00:15:24.855
<v Rowan Collins>Breckenridge's other export that nobody really knows about, is their nuts. In that, like, little farmland, there's a 2 story little cute farmhouse, and we pan into the top left window where we see there is a bedroom, and they're with 2 twin beds on either side of the room. There is a line down the center. On the right side, there's, like, you know, work boots and overalls, and the whole place is a this looks like somebody who's been working. And then on the left side, you see, like, a very orderly, like, neat bed with, like, some books stepped up on a little desk, some notes, like, stuck all over the walls, including one of them saying, 1st day today, 9 AM, sharp.

00:15:25.390 --> 00:15:50.705
And there you see a little fawn, who's a very, like, lumpy and bumpy, rotund little person, with big spectacles and darting green eyes, and their little, like, red ringlets kinda just, like, nestled right above these, like, 2 fawn ears that jut out to either side of their head. As you said, this is spring, so you see them go, oh, okay.

00:15:51.005 --> 00:16:17.795
<v Rowan Collins>So it's, it's, like, it's, like, lightly cold, so I think I'm gonna go with a sweater for sure. But this green kinda it's green a little bit too on the nose. I guess I could go with blue, but, blue is kinda boring. White would just be that I've gotta, like, keep it from being kind of dirty. Oh, but I could go with argyle perhaps, oh, or maybe cable it.

00:16:17.935 --> 00:16:20.640
That might be a little bit too scandalous for the first day.

00:16:20.720 --> 00:16:22.640
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You hear a voice from down below Oh.

00:16:22.800 --> 00:16:30.240
<v Rowan Collins>And saying, hey, pistachio, son. You're gonna you're you gotta you gotta come on downstairs. You're running out of breakfast for you.

00:16:30.240 --> 00:16:43.405
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, cupid water. You see, pistachio will grab the white cable knit sweater, because it's the one that they look the best in, and then, like, put it real on real quick and tie a little bow tie, and then scamper down the stairs.

00:16:43.545 --> 00:16:57.330
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You scamper down the stairs. And at the base of the stairs, you see your mother currently putting the finishing touches on a wonderful breakfast. She sees you, and she says, oh, my dear. Oh, pistachio. It's your first day.

00:16:57.470 --> 00:17:01.810
Gotta make sure you're fed. You gotta eat your food. You have the energy for the day.

00:17:01.950 --> 00:17:02.670
<v Rowan Collins>That's true.

00:17:02.670 --> 00:17:03.790
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Could be a long day.

00:17:03.790 --> 00:17:08.385
<v Rowan Collins>It could be a long day. Do you think they're gonna have snacks, or should I pack, like, a lunch or something?

00:17:08.385 --> 00:17:21.045
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You know, I talked to the, the receptionist of the adventuring guild, and the the the, you know, the impression that I got was, I don't think you're gonna have snacks for lunch.

00:17:21.265 --> 00:17:25.830
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, crap. Oh. Language. Oh, okay. I'm sorry.

00:17:27.890 --> 00:17:35.590
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Now don't you let those other adventurers start rubbing off on you now. Okay? They can't start hurting your good behavior now, pistachio.

00:17:35.730 --> 00:17:41.965
<v Rowan Collins>You're right. You're right, Bob. It's, you know, to be good is to do good, so I gotta be really good.

00:17:41.965 --> 00:17:43.965
<v Isaac Allen Burns>That's right. That's the Droon family motto.

00:17:43.965 --> 00:17:50.680
<v Rowan Collins>That's the Droon family motto. Okay. Do you happen to have any of the old snacks with you? Or

00:17:50.920 --> 00:17:58.200
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Some of the dried snacks. Yeah. We have some dried snacks that, your siblings there didn't, finish yesterday when they were out working the fields.

00:17:58.200 --> 00:18:01.160
<v Rowan Collins>Okay. Fantastic. You got the woods without the nuts. Right?

00:18:01.160 --> 00:18:01.960
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, of course.

00:18:01.960 --> 00:18:08.565
<v Rowan Collins>Because I don't know. I don't wanna break out in hives at the middle of the day. That would really make my day really upsetting.

00:18:08.565 --> 00:18:13.365
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, my little baby breaking out in the middle of the day. It would be so terrible. She, like, grabs you in a hug and

00:18:13.365 --> 00:18:17.285
<v Rowan Collins>explains it. Mom, stop. I'm a grown person now.

00:18:17.285 --> 00:18:18.645
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, I know. I know.

00:18:18.645 --> 00:18:29.650
<v Isaac Allen Burns>My little pistachio, he's grown. They're all grown up. But, listen. You know, pistachio, just make sure you remember your roots, okay, when you become a big strong adventurer, and, eventually, you'll become a doctor.

00:18:30.030 --> 00:18:35.175
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, right. Right. Would I become a doctor? That's right. That's the whole purpose of me being here.

00:18:35.335 --> 00:18:40.295
<v Rowan Collins>Their eyes get really, really big and, like, like, you could tell the anxiety is coming on, and they're just like

00:18:40.935 --> 00:18:49.915
<v Isaac Allen Burns>That's right. That's you know, it's gonna be a great thing, see, because your elder siblings are out working the fields, you know, and you can't work the fields because, you know, you can't have nuts.

00:18:50.160 --> 00:18:51.540
<v Rowan Collins>Yeah. That's allergic.

00:18:52.080 --> 00:19:04.005
<v Isaac Allen Burns>And here, at the table, you see an older fawn man with, big longhorns and a newspaper in front of him. That's right. He reads the news every morning. You see that he puts the paper down and says,

00:19:04.325 --> 00:19:11.865
<v Rowan Collins>now, Ullman, the kid's gotta learn how to sustain on his own. Okay? So he can't be coddling them anymore.

00:19:12.645 --> 00:19:16.660
<v Rowan Collins>Yeah. I could well, but if you'd want to cuddle me a little that's okay.

00:19:16.660 --> 00:19:19.220
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, I'll always cobble you, pistachio, or just

00:19:19.540 --> 00:19:24.440
<v Rowan Collins>Well, do you have the wraps for my horns so that they don't get stuck on any hacks or anything?

00:19:24.820 --> 00:19:47.710
<v Isaac Allen Burns>She pulls out these little rubber, covers for your horns and puts them on, and gives you your snacks and everything. And, as you're leaving, she's, like, waving from raving from the stoop. Oh, pistachio, you make your way down through the streets, the path into the town. It's not that long from where you're at. Does Pistachio run into anybody on the street?

00:19:48.650 --> 00:19:52.430
<v Rowan Collins>Pistachio is very much making a beeline because they're trying to be early.

00:19:52.570 --> 00:19:59.925
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Nice. Pistachio is running down the street. You're gonna be late. You're gonna be late for such an important date. And you know what?

00:19:59.925 --> 00:20:18.810
I'm gonna call for the very first role of the whole game. Can I get an agility role from pistachio? For those just tuning in, Daggerheart is a 2 d twelve system. So what I need you to do right now, Rowan, is roll 2 d twelves. 1 of those d twelves, you will assign as your hope dice.

00:20:19.110 --> 00:20:42.385
The other dice, you will assign as your fear dice. And what you're going to do when you roll these is add those two numbers together, add your agility modifier on your character sheet, and then tell me not only the total value, but you're gonna tell me if the hope dice was higher, you're gonna say with hope. And if the fear dice is higher, you're gonna say with fear.

00:20:43.490 --> 00:20:46.130
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, that's a 17 with hope.

00:20:46.130 --> 00:20:57.110
<v Isaac Allen Burns>A 17 with hope. That is a success with hope, pistachio. And let me ask Rowan. Who would be the best person that pistachio could almost run into?

00:20:57.355 --> 00:21:04.575
<v Rowan Collins>Gosh. The best person that pistachio could run into would be grandpa Mac.

00:21:05.115 --> 00:21:06.015
<v Rowan Collins>Old Mac.

00:21:06.395 --> 00:21:20.810
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Old Mac. Grandpa Mac, an old fawn who has seen so much in his long life, is walking down the street, also preparing for the Apple Festival. He's got some groceries in his hands, and as you speed by him, he says, woah

00:21:20.810 --> 00:21:22.750
<v Rowan Collins>there, kid. Oh, hello there.

00:21:22.890 --> 00:21:24.905
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, hi. Oh, sorry, grandpa.

00:21:25.365 --> 00:21:27.685
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, is today the day?

00:21:27.685 --> 00:21:29.205
<v Rowan Collins>Yeah. Today is the first day.

00:21:29.205 --> 00:21:36.265
<v Rowan Collins>That's right. I had almost forgotten that today is the day you're gonna get your start on your path to be a doctor.

00:21:36.670 --> 00:21:37.970
<v Rowan Collins>Yep. To be a doctor.

00:21:38.110 --> 00:21:38.510
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You know, I

00:21:38.510 --> 00:21:45.970
<v Rowan Collins>was really glad to hear that you started, you know, because as I always say, if you wanna fix things, you gotta learn how to break them first.

00:21:46.510 --> 00:21:56.495
<v Rowan Collins>Well, yeah, considering all of the different pins and stuff that I broke on the the little summer I spent on your farm, though, you know, that's definitely, definitely know how to break them. So

00:21:56.735 --> 00:21:58.495
<v Rowan Collins>right. And you broke so many.

00:21:58.495 --> 00:22:02.275
<v Isaac Allen Burns>But you know what? You at least fixed a couple of them towards the end there.

00:22:02.415 --> 00:22:04.515
<v Rowan Collins>I did learn how to use tape.

00:22:04.870 --> 00:22:06.550
<v Rowan Collins>Yes. You did. That's right.

00:22:06.550 --> 00:22:08.710
<v Rowan Collins>I still haven't gotten the hang of nails, though.

00:22:08.710 --> 00:22:15.130
<v Rowan Collins>Nope. No. My, my left thumb still remembers your attempt to grasp the idea of hammers.

00:22:15.590 --> 00:22:17.050
<v Rowan Collins>So does my right toe.

00:22:17.670 --> 00:22:20.035
<v Isaac Allen Burns>He holds up his hand. He's missing most of his fingers.

00:22:20.035 --> 00:22:23.895
<v Rowan Collins>You know, I can't eventually figure out how to fix that, hopefully.

00:22:24.515 --> 00:22:27.075
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Paul, then listen, kid. I already fixed it

00:22:27.075 --> 00:22:31.095
<v Rowan Collins>a long time ago. You're on your little pisstag. Don't even worry about it.

00:22:31.315 --> 00:22:35.650
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, okay. Is Quackers doing okay on your farm?

00:22:36.110 --> 00:22:41.550
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Quackers is doing well, you know what? You have a good day, Pistachio.

00:22:41.550 --> 00:22:43.330
<v Rowan Collins>I don't wanna keep you here too longer.

00:22:43.390 --> 00:22:48.050
<v Rowan Collins>Okay. Alright. Well, I will let you know how my first day goes.

00:22:48.375 --> 00:23:00.635
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Pistachio, you continue down the street, eventually making your way to a building. And as Pistachio enters that building, we cut to a new place. Yo, Annie, crank that.

00:23:03.060 --> 00:23:05.080
<v Rowan Collins>Oh. Crank That, Soulja Boy?

00:23:05.300 --> 00:23:54.905
<v Annie Hawthorne>Crank Crank has been in Bracken Road for maybe 2 weeks at this point. This is the first place he came after being decommissioned by the military, after losing a good friend and mentor, and, has showed up on the doorstep of that good friend and mentor's widower and their daughter. Craig has been granted permission out of nothing but pity that this was the only place he could come to have ingress and egress into the storm cellar at any time of day or night. So Frank comes online at exactly the moment the sun crests the horizon as if it's programmed. And the first thing that Frank does every day, he has 2 errands that he runs, very routine.

00:23:55.445 --> 00:24:17.575
He will go to the bakery as they are opening, specifically to the back of the bakery where they are throwing out the old stale pastries, and he will procure those pastries and take them back to the home that has graciously allowed the use of their storm cellar and, knock on the door of

00:24:17.895 --> 00:24:21.035
<v Joe Diametti>As if they're fake or as if they're fresh, fake. Yeah. Okay.

00:24:22.295 --> 00:24:33.470
<v Isaac Allen Burns>This is listen. Scarlet wheels and deals. If there's a way that she can offload some of this trash for them to throw it away, Scarlet absolutely meets you every morning and hands you a big bag, says, here you go.

00:24:33.690 --> 00:24:59.325
<v Annie Hawthorne>Half of those pastries are for my host. Half of those pastries are for someone else who we'll get to later. But I I take half of these pastries back, and I I go up on the porch and I knock on the door, and I just I stand there in my crumpled crushed wizard's hat, which probably doesn't remind my host of anything, happy. But just there, right eyed, and if you had a tail, it'd be bushy.

00:25:00.280 --> 00:25:14.925
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Craig stands there for, like, the usual amount of time that Craig is usually standing there before the door cracks open a little bit. And sure enough, you see the host. The host. Can you describe what does this person look like?

00:25:15.405 --> 00:25:35.920
<v Annie Hawthorne>The host's name is Timothy Toulouse, and he has kind of wavy dark hair that's a little bit longish. He's rather narrow built, behind the edge of his cloak peeks a little girl about 7 or 8 years old curiously.

00:25:37.180 --> 00:25:44.925
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Always looking always looking at you with eyes that are curious and, you know, maybe something more. Probably fear.

00:25:45.145 --> 00:25:46.925
<v Annie Hawthorne>Crank is large.

00:25:47.225 --> 00:26:01.450
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You hear a heavy sigh as Timothy is standing there. See he's half dressed. He's got, like, his slacks that are, like, unbuttoned in a shirt that is, like, thrown on. Thank you for the delivery, Craig.

00:26:01.670 --> 00:26:02.730
<v Annie Hawthorne>Good morning, Timothy.

00:26:03.270 --> 00:26:05.690
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Yeah. Yeah.

00:26:06.070 --> 00:26:07.530
<v Annie Hawthorne>I've brought you some pastries.

00:26:08.385 --> 00:26:22.710
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Breakfast. Again. Well, thank you. You know, I was wondering since the Apple Festival was coming around, I was wondering if there would actually be anything for you to get, but looks like you, god. You wanna come in this time?

00:26:22.710 --> 00:26:22.950

00:26:23.350 --> 00:26:32.410
<v Annie Hawthorne>Oh, no. I have to go to the library, but I just wanted to, give you this gift. Bring you some some food. I hope you like it.

00:26:32.630 --> 00:26:39.705
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Well, Craig, I appreciate it. I do. He holds out his hand to take the bag from you.

00:26:39.765 --> 00:26:40.825
<v Annie Hawthorne>Give him the pastries.

00:26:41.605 --> 00:26:47.125
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Takes it. He takes the pastries. Well, study hard at the library. I,

00:26:47.445 --> 00:26:48.825
<v Annie Hawthorne>I will. I always do.

00:26:49.870 --> 00:27:04.210
<v Isaac Allen Burns>He looks kinda up at your hat and back to you. You feel like he's too tired to be upset. He simply smiles and steps back and says, go back, Alina, and he closes the door.

00:27:05.105 --> 00:27:22.870
<v Annie Hawthorne>Alright. Crank will take the other half of the pastries, and he he will go to the very small library in this town. It's just called the Bracken Road Library, but the n is missing, and the l is crooked, and the first r in library is missing. So it just says, break road library. And you would wait there until it opens.

00:27:23.170 --> 00:27:25.670
Like Just standing in front of the door.

00:27:26.450 --> 00:27:45.535
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Like clockwork, within 30 seconds of what would be the equivalent of 30 minutes after you woke up, you hear the resounding snap of the door opening and unlocking. And opening the door is the librarian. Annie, tell me about this librarian. What's this librarian all about?

00:27:45.835 --> 00:28:06.885
<v Annie Hawthorne>This librarian is kind of getting up there in years. I think she's a hunched older lady with spectacles and gray hair and a shawl around her shoulders. And she's probably getting a little confused about why this robot is standing outside of her library every single day for 2 weeks.

00:28:07.985 --> 00:28:08.145
<v Isaac Allen Burns>It's

00:28:08.145 --> 00:28:25.060
<v Annie Hawthorne>not a large library. They don't have a lot of selection of books, but every single day for 2 weeks, I have shown up. I have handed her a bag of very stale pastries, And I have sat, and I have scanned every single book about magic that they have with my scanning eyes.

00:28:25.200 --> 00:28:26.720
<v Joe Diametti>Just just in your wizard hat?

00:28:26.720 --> 00:28:32.175
<v Annie Hawthorne>Just in my wizard hat and my, oh, and my, scrap of a cape that matches the hat. But I'm

00:28:32.335 --> 00:28:40.755
<v Isaac Allen Burns>gonna roll a dice real fast as a GM. K. There are 18 books about magic. 3 of them are children's books.

00:28:41.455 --> 00:28:54.970
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, in my memory banks, I have 14 copies of those 18 books because I do this every day without fail, just in case I miss something, because I really wanna learn magic.

00:28:55.670 --> 00:28:58.330
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Have you told the librarian this goal of yours?

00:28:58.630 --> 00:29:05.575
<v Annie Hawthorne>I think that Crank takes any act of kindness from anyone as an earnest desire to be best friends.

00:29:08.755 --> 00:29:11.355
<v Rowan Collins>So Oh, oh,

00:29:11.355 --> 00:29:17.890
<v Annie Hawthorne>oh, oh. Probably told this woman his entire life story. So I'm sure that she is aware.

00:29:18.750 --> 00:29:39.995
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Crank has the same sensibilities as every somewhat sheltered middle school boy. This is fantastic. Crank, yeah, Crank, you have the same book. She lays them out for you. She's smiling so kindly at you and says, well, Crank, have you discovered any new discoveries in these books?

00:29:40.375 --> 00:29:42.795
Anything new about magic?

00:29:43.300 --> 00:29:51.560
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, these books are the same books as they were yesterday, and they're the same books that they were 2 weeks ago. But I will find anything that's different.

00:29:51.700 --> 00:29:52.100
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You know, I

00:29:52.180 --> 00:29:53.880
<v Annie Hawthorne>Have you have you gotten any new books?

00:29:54.020 --> 00:30:19.890
<v Isaac Allen Burns>I I did reach out to the capital to see if there were any that they can spare for us. I'm afraid that, we're a little out of the way, but perhaps at the time of the Apple Festival, someone will come by with a shipment of some. I've asked for any books they have on magic. They didn't seem too, enthusiastic about my request, but, knowledge is for everyone. That's what I always say because I'm a librarian.

00:30:20.990 --> 00:30:26.685
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, that's very nice of you. You know, if I I never had a mother, but if I ever had a mother, I'd want her to be like you.

00:30:26.845 --> 00:30:32.145
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, I guess you wouldn't have had a mother, would you? Well, Frank, I'm happy to be your mother.

00:30:32.605 --> 00:30:35.985
<v Annie Hawthorne>Oh, that's so nice. I I will bring you extra pastries tomorrow.

00:30:36.205 --> 00:30:55.070
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, you just warm my little hearts. Oh, you know, I haven't felt this good in 30 years. You see she walks back behind her desk where she is currently wolfing down an apple fritter. You see that, another person comes into the library. See, this is, like, a a man maybe in his, like, early twenties.

00:30:55.070 --> 00:31:08.965
His horns, because he's a fawn, are, you know, well groomed. He's got a nice vest on, and he kinda makes small talk with, the lady up front. He walks over to you and says, hey there. It's all dark and metal. How are you doing?

00:31:09.025 --> 00:31:10.245
What you reading here?

00:31:10.730 --> 00:31:15.070
<v Annie Hawthorne>I'm reading magic. I'm reading about magic. I I wanna become a wizard.

00:31:15.290 --> 00:31:21.210
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, a wizard, shall you? Well, I have heard many of your kind being able to do magic. That's very exciting.

00:31:21.210 --> 00:31:22.590
<v Annie Hawthorne>What do you mean by my kind?

00:31:22.730 --> 00:31:27.945
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Well, you know, assembled men like yourself. Flanks as it were.

00:31:28.805 --> 00:31:30.025
<v Annie Hawthorne>Yes. That makes sense.

00:31:30.565 --> 00:31:31.705
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You'd see where

00:31:32.085 --> 00:31:34.825
<v Annie Hawthorne>You you've heard about people like me doing magic?

00:31:35.365 --> 00:31:36.745
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Well, yes. Of course.

00:31:36.805 --> 00:31:39.545
<v Annie Hawthorne>Where are these people? Can I can I talk to them?

00:31:39.605 --> 00:31:42.740
<v Rowan Collins>Oh, well, well, they're not here per se.

00:31:43.060 --> 00:31:43.380
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Sorry

00:31:43.380 --> 00:31:45.220
<v Annie Hawthorne>to hear that. They can do magic then?

00:31:45.220 --> 00:31:50.280
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Well, I've met in my travel. I've have you ever heard of a place called Polaris University?

00:31:50.500 --> 00:31:53.720
<v Annie Hawthorne>Oh, yes. Polaris. Yes. That's where I'm going.

00:31:53.905 --> 00:31:54.865
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, you're going there?

00:31:54.865 --> 00:31:55.505
<v Annie Hawthorne>Very nice.

00:31:55.505 --> 00:31:57.845
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Do you have a do you have a recommendation already?

00:31:58.065 --> 00:31:59.585
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, no. But not that

00:31:59.985 --> 00:32:01.765
<v Isaac Allen Burns>We could at least do magic. Right?

00:32:02.305 --> 00:32:04.625
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, I'm, first, I can do magic.

00:32:04.625 --> 00:32:04.865
<v Isaac Allen Burns>What are

00:32:04.865 --> 00:32:05.925
<v Annie Hawthorne>you what do you mean?

00:32:06.065 --> 00:32:17.020
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, will you not oh oh, dear. You see that he looks very uncomfortable? He's he realizes that his affable nature has gotten him in trouble. And he says, well, you know, I'm sure that, it'll

00:32:17.020 --> 00:32:17.820
<v Rowan Collins>come to you one day.

00:32:17.820 --> 00:32:25.255
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Anyways, sorry to bother. I'm just, you know, I'm new in town, and I'm just, you know, making conversation with whoever I find.

00:32:25.255 --> 00:32:29.415
<v Annie Hawthorne>I am also new in town. Really? Would you like to read these books about magic with me?

00:32:29.415 --> 00:32:36.155
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, dear. No. I think, you know, I I've read those books before. I think I read those to my kids, actually.

00:32:37.015 --> 00:32:38.475
<v Annie Hawthorne>Can your kids do magic?

00:32:39.300 --> 00:32:41.400
<v Isaac Allen Burns>No. They just they really like the stories.

00:32:42.580 --> 00:32:46.520
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, I I really have to read these just in case there's something new in them.

00:32:46.900 --> 00:32:47.720
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, okay.

00:32:48.420 --> 00:32:50.840
<v Annie Hawthorne>But it was nice talking to you.

00:32:51.060 --> 00:32:55.185
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Of course. Of course. What what what did they call you?

00:32:55.565 --> 00:32:56.625
<v Annie Hawthorne>My name is Craig.

00:32:56.765 --> 00:32:59.905
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Oh, nice to meet you, Craig. You can call me Sebastian.

00:33:00.925 --> 00:33:02.225
<v Annie Hawthorne>Nice to meet you, Sebastian.

00:33:02.605 --> 00:33:10.590
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Very good to say. Craig, you wouldn't happen to know of any good bars in town, would you? Any bars or places that a man can get a nice stiff drink after a long day of travel?

00:33:10.890 --> 00:33:12.110
<v Annie Hawthorne>I don't really drink.

00:33:13.050 --> 00:33:18.270
<v Isaac Allen Burns>I should have thought of that, actually. I should have considered that point.

00:33:18.885 --> 00:33:21.445
<v Rowan Collins>Well, Craig, this has been a very, you

00:33:21.445 --> 00:33:34.840
<v Isaac Allen Burns>know, awakening conversation for me. I was rather sleepy, but now I think I'm wide awake to, to the cringe of this conversation. So I'm just going to cut my losses and, van boos.

00:33:35.140 --> 00:33:37.560
<v Annie Hawthorne>Well, if you tell me where you live, I can bring you pastries.

00:33:38.740 --> 00:33:44.680
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You know, that's quite alright. I don't have a permanent place. You know? I, I'm just gonna go, and he walks out and leaves.

00:33:44.980 --> 00:33:47.320
<v Annie Hawthorne>Okay. Well, I go back to reading my books.

00:33:47.675 --> 00:33:56.335
<v Isaac Allen Burns>You read your books, for as long as it takes you, and then you hear a chime of the clock in the library. It is 9 o'clock.

00:33:56.395 --> 00:34:07.610
<v Annie Hawthorne>Oh. Oh, no. I'm late. And I will, I will just put the books in a very neat pile on the table. And I will wave goodbye to the librarian slash my mother.

00:34:07.670 --> 00:34:15.405
And and I will make my way to the adventurers' guild because it's my first day.

00:34:15.485 --> 00:34:41.100
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Your new mom smiles as you leave, and she walks over to put the books back up. Thankful that you organized them even though she's gonna have to undo that and organize them in the correct way. But it doesn't take long before, crank, you step into the adventures guild to see 3 individuals in the room. And I think that's where we're gonna end this session of dodo born, you guys. I think that's a good first episode.

00:34:41.100 --> 00:34:46.325
What? Wait. What? The first good time. It's an all in due time, you guys.

00:34:46.325 --> 00:34:47.685
All in due time.

00:34:47.685 --> 00:34:48.585
<v Rowan Collins>I am impatient.

00:34:49.205 --> 00:35:05.330
<v Isaac Allen Burns>Rome wasn't built in a day and neither were we. But that's all for this episode of Dodo Board, you guys. Tune in next week when our heroes, you'll have to tune in to find out what they do. Alright. Good night, everybody.