Voices In Recovery Podcast

Voices In Recovery Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 288 Season 1

Jon's Story

Jon's StoryJon's Story

This week, Jon stops by and shares about his life. We talk about many parts of his life and look at the current situation of our fellow suffering humans across the planet. That is how we met in fact, gathering to support folks, who are demonized in the western media. This of course allows us to explore and condemn the history of racism, the Crown and the Canadian government have created and perpetuated within the very system they call humanitarian. We discuss the Canadian government's complicity in national apartheid to this day! We appreciate you dude, all the love!

What is Voices In Recovery Podcast?

Stories from survivors and warriors living in the world of recovery. We can and do recover in many different ways and these stories are from incredible humans living their second, third, hundredth lives. Tune in for a laugh, a cry, and some information you may not have had yesterday.