The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast

What does the back to school season look like for you and your family? Are your kids going back to school with face masks? Are your kids going to be homeschooled? Or are they going to be learning from their computers? If so, great! If not, also great! The point is everyone is making the decision that works best for them. So why are we still questioning if we made the right decision?

In this episode, I discuss an important question, about how you are feeling and the fear we have about making the right decision. Not just about our families and parenting skills, but as business owners as well. As human beings we are terrified to make the right decision even though it has to be made. And we also feel pressure to make a decision for fear of other people's opinions.

In a nutshell, remember this: DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!

In this episode, we cover:

  • The 3 criteria you need to work the hours you want to without sacrificing your financial goals.
  • Do you make time for yourself? Or do you just hope there’s still some time left for it?
  • The 4 Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin. The indispensable personality profile that reveals how to make your life better, and other people's lives better too.
  • Choose your perspective for the rest of this year. What’s the best thing you can do for you, your family, your practice, and your community. 

Thanks for listening! Head over to the show notes for links and resources mentioned in this episode!


What is The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast?

Welcome to The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast! Dr. Danielle and other guest experts talk about everything from getting your practice started, developing your clinical skills, growing your practice YOUR way, and dealing with the real stuff life burnout and work/life balance. Whether you’ve been practicing for decades or just started your journey, you’ll find something here for you!