Economics in business

Governments and other public sector bodies are under increasing scrutiny from taxpayers to demonstrate that investment of government resources represents good value for money for society. This means that it is no longer enough to look at the traditionally monetised economic benefits but it is also important to capture wider impacts on society. In this podcast, Hannah Audino talks to Ioanna Sikiaridi and Alisha Kapoor, strategy consultants at PwC, to understand how they use economics and strategy to help public sector organisations integrate wider impacts - economic, environmental, social - when developing their strategy and making investment decisions.

Show Notes

Governments and other public sector bodies are under increasing scrutiny from taxpayers to demonstrate that investment of government resources represents good value for money for society. This means that it is no longer enough to look at the traditionally monetised economic benefits but it is also important to capture wider impacts on society. In this podcast, Hannah Audino talks to Ioanna Sikiaridi and Alisha Kapoor, strategy consultants at PwC, to understand how they use economics and strategy to help public sector organisations integrate wider impacts - economic, environmental, social - when developing their strategy and making investment decisions. 

What is Economics in business?

A PwC podcast series in which our economics experts discuss the UK and global macroeconomic outlook and what this means for businesses.