Interview with William Gregory

In this My Life Now episode, Dallas interviews William Gregory, author of "THE SCIENCE BEHIND RELIGION & WISDOM FOR IMMORTALITY".

A Word From Our Guest:
“The Science Behind Religion” provides the definitive answers to life’s biggest questions. Groundbreaking science and wisdom are combined to explain the origin of life, why we exist, and the nature of the universe. Such awareness generates an overview perspective that allows us to logically deduce God’s identity and the mechanics of His resurrection process. These revelations are reconciled with historic evidence of God from prophets’ encounters, and ancient civilizations’ scrolls and monuments. The past, future extrapolations, faith, and science all point to the same profound conclusion.
As religion is refined and updated for a science savvy 21st-century audience, a clear path to immortality emerges for anyone extending their minds to the galaxy. This is invaluable, as survival is our primary, inbuilt objective in life, and being resurrected ultimately determines whether our existence has been a success. The book closes with guidance on how to meet the resurrection criteria and by revealing extra-terrestrial secrets. If you accommodate the bigger picture, the bigger picture will accommodate you.

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My Life Now is a half-hour podcast show which regularly features reviews of NEW RELEASES and all-time classics of both traditionally published and self-published books. Tune in for special guest interviews and of course, helpful tips to not only write your next book but also to help market it. My Life Now is most often referred to as a great way for authors to get quality exposure and avid readers to discover their next read! Without further delay, here’s another stimulating episode of My Life Now!