Unlocking Business Growth - exploring achievements, challenges and what's interesting

Kavita Ganesan immersed herself in the academic side of AI and then, through assisting clients, identified a core problem. The understanding and vision at the leadership and technical levels, of both what AI is and what it does, can be very different. It can cause potentially catastrophic failure of projects. So she created the perfect bridge, with aids customized for everyone.

Show Notes

Kavita Ganesan has assisted many clients to gain the advantage of split-second humanlike thinking, from a computer.  Her secrets even assist when it is hard to get from concept to starting the project due to inadequate data.

She cautious that in many situations AI is wasted, it does not work, and people believe they need AI but in fact do not. However, the examples of the potential value to be derived where AI is appropriately deployed are fascinating, and should spark initiative to identify places to apply AI in every business.

Human-level thinking required? Not a problem.  Whether applied broadly or in specifically targeted situations, large companies and small all potentially benefit from deploying AI.  Don’t however look for immediate, directly consequential, or automatic positive impact on the bottom-line.  Some will see it fast but for many it will evolve over time in financial results, staff or customer satisfaction, quality enhancements, etc.

Use an off-the-shelf tool or build from scratch. The secret to avoid failure lies in adequate preparation … data, validation, resources.  Replace part, or the entire, process or system currently deployed, but learn first from The Business Case for AI, A leader’s Guide to AI Strategies, Best Practices & Real-World Applications.

Tune in to hear about:
  • Ideas for where to consider artificial intelligence, or use automation.
  • How to close the gap between management and data scientists.
  • Why AI projects disappoint, and how to ensure success.
  • Why all companies potentially derive significant value through technology investment.
  • And more.

Mentioned in this episode:
Kavita Ganesa's website and book website

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