The Illiac Suite - Music and AI

The space of AI and music is heating up: A couple of labels sued Suno and Udio with the argument that the platforms are infringing copyrights of their artists. The tech companies responded so far with the argument that all their practice is based on "fair use". No solution on the horizon yet. But why create problems when you also can avoid them? A couple of weeks ago LANDR announced its "Fair Trade Program". Musicians can opt-in to their artificial intelligence. Once the AI is ready they will get paid for their participation. Sounds good? Let's have a deeper look into that! I talked with Frédérick Ranger from LANDR for the new episode. 

Creators & Guests

Dennis Kastrup
Dennis is a radio journalist in the music business since over 20 years. He has conducted over 1000 interviews with artists from all over the world and works for major public radio stations in Germany and Canada. His focus these days is on “music and technology” – Artficial Intelligence, Robotics, Wearables, VR/AR, Prosthetics and so on. He produces the podcast “The Illiac Suite - Music And Artificial Intelligence”. This interest made him also start „Wicked Artists“: a booking agency for creative tech and new media art.

What is The Illiac Suite - Music and AI?

In 1957 a computer of the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign wrote a composition for a string quartet: The Illiac Suite! It was the first time in music history. We have come a long way. The combination artificial intelligence and music is here to stay. We entered a new exciting era of creativity. My name is Dennis Kastrup. I am a journalist from Berlin. And my passion is AI. Let's talk about it. But most of all: Listen to it!