Sustainable Compliance Danmark

Most compliance professionals feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of information about their area. New legal developments, new technical stuff to look into and on top of that internal things like new systems and ways of working.

Information overload can hamper a privacy program.

In this episode Jacob H. Larsen speaks to Rie Walle about getting a system to stay up-to-date.

Take aways on making a system for staying current:

1. Find your trusted sources. Be critical.
2. Use the wisdom of the crowd.
3. Opt-out. Be clear about what you do NOT need to know.
4. Put it in a system. Jacob uses a simple Database in Notion, Rie utilizes Excel
5. Focus on the basics
6. THEN specialize
8. Make use of the privacy and compliance network - it's a friendly one
9. Put "studying" in your calendar at least once a week

Host: Jacob H. Larsen
Follow him on Linkedin for news, views, how-tos and tools about compliance, privacy and information security:
By: Wired Relations -

Rie Walle is a Grumpy GDPR podcast host, Speaker & Lecturer  as well as an External/Fractional DPO
No Ties Consulting:
Grumpy GDPR podcast:

Data compliance is broken. 

- Increasing regulations, 
- high public expectations, 
- and real business needs 

have made the data layer exceedingly complex. 

It’s not balanced with its surroundings anymore. 

We have to rethink the function and organisation of compliance — and in this podcast we invite you to join that conversation -

What is Sustainable Compliance Danmark?

Velkommen til podcasten: Sustainable Compliance.
Er du engageret i databeskyttelse, GDPR, informationssikkerhed og generel compliance? Så er denne podcast dedikeret til dig.
Vi dykker ned i kompleksiteten af databeskyttelse og informationssikkerhed. Lyt med, når værten Jacob Høedt Larsen interviewer eksperter, diskuterer de seneste trends, læringer og råd inden for compliance. Vi udforsker også, hvordan vi kan reorganisere os omkring compliance, for at skabe en robust og farbar vej for processerne.
Tilslut dig samtalen og vær med til at skabe en mere robust fremtid for compliance.

Vært: Jacob Høedt Larsen
Faciliteret af: Wired Relations -