Answers from the Lab

Robin Patel, M.D., explains how a new Mayo Clinic Laboratories' assay can identify central nervous system pathogens that standard tests fail to detect. Rapid, precise diagnosis is essential to preventing long-term effects from these infections.

Show notes

Speaker 3: (00:32)
 Please give us a brief introduction of yourself and your role at Mayo Clinic.
Speaker 3: (01:44)
 Could you please expand a bit on this newly developed sequencing assay — which is a shotgun metagenomic test on CSF — and explain how it's different from other sequencing methods?
Speaker 3: (02:43)
 Could you tell us more about the specific group of patients this test would be used for and how a provider might identify those patients? When during the care process should this be ordered?
Speaker 3: (04:12)
 Could you talk about the alternative test options and how they compare?
Speaker 3: (05:42)
 How are the results used in patient care?

What is Answers from the Lab?

A Mayo Clinic curated podcast sharing Mayo Clinic knowledge and advancements on the state of testing, science, and people who are making it happen behind the scenes.