Native Lights: Where Indigenous Voices Shine

On today’s episode, Leah and Cole speak with Ernest Briggs (White Earth Nation), who is a director, writer, producer, teacher, and actor from the Twin Cities where he's worked in the theater community for 15+ years. He’s the artistic director of Turtle Theater Collective, a collective of Indigenous theater artists focused on telling Native stories.
Ernest recently made his Guthrie Theater debut in “For The People,” a Native comedy that’s based on the Minneapolis Native community. He speaks with us about the significance of play and how it wouldn’t have been possible without important collaboration with the community.
From recreating movie scenes with his brother to studying acting in Los Angeles, Ernest shares his journey as an actor and storyteller.
Ernest is also a member of the Guthrie Theater’s Native Advisory Council, which works to help decolonize spaces and open doors for Indigenous performers and creators
“For the People” runs from Oct. 7 through Nov. 12. You can find ticket information here.

What is Native Lights: Where Indigenous Voices Shine?

In Native Lights, people in Native communities around Mni Sota Mkoce - a.k.a. Minnesota - tell their stories about finding their gifts and sharing them with the community. These are stories of joy, strength, history, and change from Native people who are shaping the future and honoring those who came before them.

Native Lights is also a weekly, half-hour radio program hosted by Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe members and siblings, Leah Lemm and Cole Premo. Native Lights is a space for people in Native communities.

Native Lights: Where Indigenous Voices Shine is produced by Minnesota Native News and Ampers, Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities with support from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage fund. Online at