Beyond the Benchmark by EFG

Moz is joined by the team behind the quarterly Insight document; Daniel Murray, Gianluigi Mandruzzato, Joaquin Thul and Paul Temperton, to talk through the backroom thinking that goes into it. National self sufficiency, how many turbines it would take to power the UK entirely on wind, the surprise SNB rate hike and more feature.

Show Notes

Our host, Moz Afzal:

Our guests:

Daniel Murray

Paul Temperton

Joaquin Thul

GianLuigi Mandruzzato


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What is Beyond the Benchmark by EFG?

More than just your typical market analysis podcast, EFGAM'S CIO Moz Afzal goes Beyond the benchmark, delving into current topics and global trends with guests and experts from within EFG and further afield. The podcast is released fortnightly.