Bearing Witness with Anthony and Georgia

On this episode, Anthony and Georgia discuss the recent developments at George Floyd Square and the connections to the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. They also check in with Feven Gerezgiher and Samantha HoangLong, two of the young reporters from the Racial Reckoning Project about their experience covering these important moments in American History.

Show Notes

On this episode, Anthony and Georgia discuss the recent developments at George Floyd Square and the connections to the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. They also check in with Feven Gerezgiher and Samantha HoangLong, two of the young reporters from the Racial Reckoning Project about how their experience covering these important moments in American History.

Racial Reckoning: The Arc of Justice is a journalism initiative, created by Ampers, KMOJ, and the Minnesota Humanities Center, covering the trials of the former Minneapolis police officers charged with the murder of George Floyd, the community’s response, and the changes needed to create a more just society.

Bearing Witness is produced with support from the Minnesota Art’s and Cultural Heritage Fund. Online at 

What is Bearing Witness with Anthony and Georgia?

Bearing Witness with Anthony Galloway and Georgia Fort is a production of Racial Reckoning: The Arc of Justice, a journalism project created and supported by Ampers, Diverse Radio for Minnesota's Communities, in partnership with KMOJ Radio and The Minnesota Humanities Center and produced with support from the Minnesota Art’s and Cultural Heritage Fund.