Texas Family Law Insiders

What is the impact of intensive reunification therapy in family law? Intensive reunification therapy is different than traditional reunification therapy, and it can potentially have many negative impacts on a family.

In this episode, author and psychologist Susan Fletcher shares her expertise on intensive reunification therapy, a subject of growing concern nationwide.

Susan will provide a detailed background of the therapy, its implications and ethical considerations, and the controversies surrounding it–and cover the often adverse psychological effects these programs have on children and parents.

Susan’s insights are an excellent resource for attorneys wondering how to approach family law cases involving intensive reunification therapy.

What is Texas Family Law Insiders?

The Texas Family Law Insiders podcast brings together top divorce and family law attorneys and other professionals to discuss issues related to divorce, family law, child custody, child support, paternity, parental rights, grandparents’ rights, adoptions, and family law appeals in Texas.