Men's Leadership Network Podcast

We’re kicking off this month on the Men’s Leadership Network Podcast with a candid and honest conversation with Former Major League Baseball All-Star Tim Burke and Pastor Jeff Simmons.

In this conversation, Tim openly shares about his childhood journey where he experienced much painful loss. However, it was on the pitcher’s mound that he found his safe place. In his life, he faced many ups and downs in his marriage, his family, and his time in the MLB. Today, he has the joy of walking alongside professional hockey players serving as the National Hockey League Chaplin.

Every man listening will be challenged and encouraged by Tim’s story of God’s consistent love and great care for us, as Tim shares how God has moved in his life time and time again. For example, God used a couple of teammates to reach out and simply invite him to a Bible study which ended up being the conduit for the Gospel to grip his heart and save him and his marriage. God continued to work when he and his wife faced great challenges as parents of five adopted children. Above all, the Lord has met him in the very depth of his darkness showing him grace and restoring him.

As you listen to Tim Burke, you can’t help but hear a man that has experienced just how amazing God’s grace is, a man who understands that we desperately need God at every moment, and a man who has abiding confidence that God has and will provide everything we need.

1. 1 Peter 5:7 says, Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you. How has God met you in the midst of deep sorrow and shown you that He cares for you?

2. Who are the people God put on your heart when you heard Tim share about his teammates who, without knowing his story, reached out and invited him to a Bible study? Why do you think those names came to mind? Could God be using Tim’s story to challenge you to take a similar step?

What is Men's Leadership Network Podcast?

The Men's Leadership Network Podcast brings you quick, informative topics that help you serve, grow, reflect, and connect in leadership, family, and business.