The Espresso Hour

Looking to make $10,000/mo as a premium ghostwriter? Apply to join our 4-Week Intensive Ghostwriting program:

In this episode, Ship 30 for 30 Captains Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole walk through how they're updating their core values, purpose, and mission statement to build a $10,000,000 team. 

(00:00) Intro 
(00:59) Wins from the Ghostwriting program 
(03:19) You need to be MORE specific 
(05:26) The cold outreach gameplay 
(06:27) Why we're revamping our team culture 
(07:48) Specific team roles we're looking for 
(09:22) The bottleneck to scale educational products 
(11:47) When does this business stop working? 
(14:09) Our new hiring strategy & mission statement 
(19:09) New team core values 
(23:03) How to use gamification, the right way 
(27:13) One of the hardest lessons Cole learned 
(31:32) Family vs. team mentality 
(33:58) Building templates for the future 

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• Follow Cole on Twitter: 
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What is The Espresso Hour?

In each episode, we share our insights, tactics, and lessons learned as we scale our writing education company to $10mm. If you're looking for "insider" tips to help you grow and scale your digital business, you're going to love The Espresso Hour!