Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars

Welcome to "Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars," the podcast where former inmates discuss their experiences and insights from prison life. In this episode, Tony, Sam, Tay, and Zo share powerful stories from their time behind bars, exploring themes of friendship, justice, and personal growth.

Life Inside Prison:
The hosts recount their first meeting in Morgantown prison and describe the unique bond they formed through shared experiences. They delve into daily life, the challenges faced, and the unusual incidents that occur behind bars, including encounters with wildlife and prison food woes.

The Psychological Impact:
Sam discusses the profound mental and emotional toll of imprisonment, reflecting on his struggles with depression and societal reintegration. The conversation highlights the stigma of being labeled a felon and how it affects relationships and professional opportunities.

Legal and Justice System Challenges:
 A detailed discussion on the complexities of the justice system, focusing on plea deals and the high costs of legal defense. The hosts share personal anecdotes about the difficult choices they had to make, weighing the risk of long sentences against taking plea deals.

Rehabilitation and Personal Growth:
Insights into personal transformation experienced by the hosts during their time in prison. They discuss the concept of "kaizen" – improvement and growth, which Tony emphasizes by encouraging listeners to strive for continual personal development.

Reentry into Society:
The hosts share their experiences and challenges of reintegrating into society, including transitioning through halfway houses. They discuss the mix of characters in halfway houses, contrasting it with their time in minimum security and the additional challenges they faced.

Building New Lives:
Reflections on how their past experiences influence their current lives and aspirations. The hosts discuss their efforts to rebuild their lives, maintain old friendships, and form new ones, all while navigating the challenges that come with their pasts.

What is Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars?

Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars is a podcast hosted by Sam and Tony, two Asian-American men who defy the typical narratives surrounding prison life in the United States. Having met behind bars, they share a unique perspective on incarceration, rehabilitation, and the journey of reintegration into society. Through a mix of personal stories, candid discussions, and insights into the peculiarities and challenges of prison life, they aim to demystify stereotypes and shed light on the human stories within the prison system. Each episode explores themes of friendship, resilience, systemic issues, and the unexpected humor found in the darkest places. Join them as they unravel their journey through the federal system, the impact of rehabilitation programs like RDAP, and navigate the complexities of life after incarceration. "Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars" isn't just a podcast; it's a lifeline of hope, laughter, and insight for anyone who's ever felt imprisoned, physically or metaphorically.