Messenger of Mercy

   During the third part of Ramadan, we aim to free ourselves from worldly attachments, inspired by Prophet Muhammad's retreat to Mount Hira. Fasting during the day helps us detach and prepare for spiritual reflection and worship

What is Messenger of Mercy?

Messenger of Mercy presented by Hajj Idris Mears, is a captivating journey that follows the remarkable life and mission of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in 30 short episodes. The series, provides an insight into the life of one of the most influential figures in human history and explores the teachings and values that have shaped the lives of millions.
Hajj Idris Mears, a well-known English Muslim, guides us through the fascinating story of the Prophet Muhammad's life while delving deep into the Prophet's teachings and the impact they have on individuals and communities around the world.