Saturday Morning Coffee - the Reese Boyd Radio Hour

We remember the Challenger Disaster, 36 years later, on this episode. Reese and Glenn discuss the covert flights the US government is operating to shuttle illegal aliens around the country. We discuss the resignation of Justice Breyer from the Supreme Court, and we're joined on the show by Special Guests, Lt. Governor Pamela Evette, and Douglas Blair with the Daily Signal.

Show Notes

Hello and Welcome to the Saturday Morning Coffee Podcast for January 29, 2022!

Note that we've been on a bit of a podcast "hiatus" for the last several weeks, as we've been having some technical difficulties with our podcast software, but we think those issues are all resolved, and we'll be catching up on the podcast over the next few weeks.  Thanks for bearing with us!

On this Episode of Saturday Morning Coffee, your Host Reese Boyd and Produced Glenn Dye remember the Challenger disaster, 36 years later.  We pay tribute to the Challenger 7, and to engineer Allan J. McDonald, who courageously pushed back against his own bosses and NASA in an effort to stop the launch of the Challenger Space Shuttle on January 28, 1986.  We also discuss the "covert operations" of DHS and FEMA to relocate illegal aliens within the US, when local cities and towns, and their law enforcement agencies, don't even know what is going on, as recently leaked footage and body-cam video from Sheriff's deputies in Westchester County, NY makes clear.

We also discuss the resignation of Justice Stephen Breyer and the excellent piece that just appeared in the WSJ, "Race, Gender, and the Supreme Court."  We're joined on the program by Lt. Governor (SC) Pamela Evette, who shares her recent visit to Christian Academy in Myrtle Beach, among other items.  We also talk to Douglas Blair with the Daily Signal, who wrote a fascinating (and disturbing) piece this week over at the Daily Signal, about 1.6 Million "Redditers" who think we should just do away with "work" altogether.  (Oh yea, this is going to work out well!)  We wonder if any of these people have ever been to Venezuela.

Reese shares some Parting Wisdom in the final segment, and reminds listeners to write in an share how they've been investing in the lives of others... what started as a Christmas experiment must now carry on!  If you've got a story to share with Reese and the Saturday Morning Coffee crew, send a teaser to Reese @ reeseboydSMC (at), and we may invite you to come on a broadcast of Saturday Morning Coffee and talk about it.

In the meantime, as promised there's an "Easter egg" in this edition of the Saturday Morning Coffee podcast, so be sure to listen carefully!  Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week for more "Saturday Morning Coffee!"

Proverbs 3:5-6

What is Saturday Morning Coffee - the Reese Boyd Radio Hour?

Saturday Morning Coffee is your weekly dose of conversational but unapologetic conservative talk. Broadcast from Myrtle Beach, SC on WTKN, Conservative Talk 94.5 FM (, Saturday Morning Coffee is the perfect blend of news, politics, entertainment, and enlightenment. Weekly episodes air/stream live from WTKN with your host, Reese Boyd III, every Saturday morning, from 7-9 a.m., Eastern Time.