
Donald Summers

Introducing the illustrious Donald Summers, a man whose wit is as sharp as his business acumen. As a speaker, author, and social entrepreneur extraordinaire, Donald has navigated the tumultuous seas of altruism with a compass firmly pointed towards success.

With the finesse of a seasoned captain, Donald founded Altruist Partners in 2006, a beacon of hope for nonprofits and social enterprises seeking guidance amidst the tempest of ambition. From the verdant forests of Seattle to the bustling streets of Washington DC and the fog-kissed alleys of London, Altruist has unfurled its sails to aid organizations in charting a course towards lofty goals.

With a knack for turning dreams into reality, Donald has led his clients to astonishing heights, boasting growth rates that would make even the most seasoned financiers do a double-take. With a median annual growth rate of 25% and a return on fees that could rival the treasures of ancient mariners, Donald’s prowess in the realm of altruism knows no bounds.

A graduate of Middlebury College and Harvard University, Donald is not just a master navigator of the social sector, but a learned scholar whose essays and commentary have graced the pages of esteemed publications such as the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Harvard Magazine, and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

So raise your sails and set your course towards greatness, for in the company of Donald Summers, the journey towards a better world is as enlightening as it is entertaining.


 1. What pivotal shifts in nonprofit thinking inspired the development of the Scaling Altruism toolkit?

 2. How does Scaling Altruism balance growth with preserving a nonprofit’s core values?

 3. How does the toolkit cater to nonprofits across different sectors, and what philosophical principles guide this customization?

 4. How does Scaling Altruism address managing disruptive forces within nonprofits while nurturing effective leadership?

 5. How does Scaling Altruism encourage nonprofits to view themselves as agents of systemic change in tackling complex social issues?

 6. What assurances does Scaling Altruism offer to nonprofit leaders regarding adaptability and resilience in a changing landscape?

 7. How does the Investment and Partnership Scorecard reflect deeper philosophical considerations in assessing nonprofit alignment and impact?

 8. How does Scaling Altruism embrace innovation and anticipate emerging trends in the nonprofit sector?

 9. What role does technology and innovation play in Scaling Altruism, and how does it enhance nonprofits’ ability to catalyze meaningful change?

 10. How does Scaling Altruism offer a unique philosophical perspective in the realm of nonprofit management literature, emphasizing stewardship and transformative leadership?

Creators & Guests

George Monty
My name is George Monty. I am the Owner of TrueLife (Podcast/media/ Channel) I’ve spent the last three in years building from the ground up an independent social media brandy that includes communications, content creation, community engagement, online classes in NLP, Graphic Design, Video Editing, and Content creation. I feel so blessed to have reached the following milestones, over 81K hours of watch time, 5 million views, 8K subscribers, & over 60K downloads on the podcast!

What is TrueLife?

Greetings from the enigmatic realm of "The TrueLife Podcast: Unveiling Realities." Embark on an extraordinary journey through the uncharted territories of consciousness with me, the Founder of TrueLife Media. Fusing my background in experimental psychology and a passion for storytelling, I craft engaging content that explores the intricate threads of entrepreneurship, uncertainty, suffering, psychedelics, and evolution in the modern world.

Dive into the depths of human awareness as we unravel the mysteries of therapeutic psychedelics, coping with mental health issues, and the nuances of mindfulness practices. With over 600 captivating episodes and a strong community of over 30k YouTube subscribers, I weave a tapestry that goes beyond conventional boundaries.

In each episode, experience a psychedelic flair that unveils hidden histories, sparking thoughts that linger long after the final words. This thought-provoking podcast is not just a collection of conversations; it's a thrilling exploration of the mind, an invitation to expand your perceptions, and a quest to question the very fabric of reality.

Join me on this exhilarating thrill ride, where we discuss everything from the therapeutic use of psychedelics to the importance of mental health days. With two published books, including an international bestseller on Amazon, I've built a community that values intelligence, strength, and loyalty.

As a Founding Member of The Octopus Movement, a global network committed to positive change, I continually seek new challenges and opportunities to impact the world positively. Together, let's live a life worth living and explore the boundless possibilities that await in the ever-evolving landscape of "The TrueLife Podcast: Unveiling Realities."

Aloha, and welcome to a world where realities are uncovered, and consciousness takes center stage.