Connect the Dots with Matt Ragland

In this episode I share a simple 3 step habit loop, the difference between systems and goals, and how you can use both to do more of what matters in 2021.

Show Notes

Happy New Year! This episode of Connect the Dots is all about how you can build healthy habits and systems. But in case you're not listening to this on the first Monday of 2021, January 4th, there is a lot to help you build better habits, create a healthier environment and design the life that you care about. Thanks for listening and check out the show on YouTube!

Resources from the episode
Connect the Dots on YouTube + Free Training
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What is Connect the Dots with Matt Ragland?

Connect the Dots is a show about how different topics converge to form a new idea. We start from the perspective of productivity or creativity and how they intersect.

But one of the things that has proven most fascinating to me over the years is how many other topics and disciplines impact creative and productive work. Like how much is productivity impacted by the improvement of physical health? How does creativity increase when you learn from new sources of inspiration? It's these questions that form the heart of Connect the Dots.