Serious about sustainability

Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive of UK Green Building Council, explains the history of the UK's policy for net zero carbon buildings.

Show Notes

In this episode, Max Halliwell from Ecodan talks to Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive of UK Green Building Council. Julie explains the history of the UKs policy for Net Zero carbon buildings and what it means today for existing buildings in operation and new construction. Max and Julie also discuss the decarbonisation of home heating and the challenges facing the built environment industry to reach the UK Government's Net Zero carbon goals.

02:00 / UK Green Building Council introduction
05:33 / Net zero carbon for buildings definition
08:40/ The slow pace of UK regulation change since 2016 
11:15 / UK governement 'green' subsidies 
13:45 / Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
14:15 / A Net Zero home in operation definition
16:44 / Net Zero for construction vs operation
18:35 / Hydrogen and the decarbonisation of home heating
26:00 / Smoke and mirror energy market
30:30 / How is the industry gearing up for Net Zero?
35:40 / Further information
37:07 / What can we all do for Net Zero?

What is Serious about sustainability?

Serious about sustainability is a podcast series brought to you by Mitsubishi Electric's Ecodan – air source heat pump. Through a series of guest interviews including architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke, the podcast series covers a range of topics, from the perspective of UK homeowners, self-builders, contractors, and housing associations. The show promotes greater awareness of renewable, heat pump technology, helping to build a sustainable, zero-carbon future for home heating.