Trinity Forum Conversations

Trinity Forum Conversations Trailer Bonus Episode 98 Season 8

Practicing the Way with John Mark Comer

Practicing the Way with John Mark ComerPracticing the Way with John Mark Comer

Practicing the Way with John Mark Comer

The start of a new year prompts the reflection that if we are not intentionally modeling our life after Jesus, we are likely being formed by something or someone else. Adrift in the cultural current, we're likely to be carried to places we never consciously chose and wonder how we got there.

In Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer explores what it means in our times to be a disciple of Jesus -- to be with him, to become like him, and to do as he did:
“ It seems to me that the telos of the spiritual journey in the Christian way is becoming a person of love through deepening union with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…It's the two greatest commandments: love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself, that Jesus put at the center of apprenticeship to him.” - John Mark Comer
We hope this conversation encourages you to move slowly as you abide with Jesus this year, and by his grace are transformed into a person of deeper love, joy, and peace.

This podcast is an edited version of a conversation recorded in 2024. Learn more about John Mark Comer.

Episode outline
00:00 Introduction to Practicing the Way
01:00 Formation is Inevitable
02:26 John Mark Comer's Background and Influences
05:21 Evangelical Discipleship and the Influence of Dallas Willard
08:05 From Burnout to the Inner Journey
11:26 Being Christian and Being an Apprentice of Jesus
21:04 The Destructive Power of Hurry, and the Pace of Love
26:13 The Practice of Contemplation and Abiding
33:17 Final Thoughts and Prayer

Authors and books mentioned in the conversation:
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, Live No Lies, God Has a Name, Garden City, Practicing the Way, all by John Mark Comer
Divine Conspiracy, by Dallas Willard
Jacques Philippe
St. Therese
N.T. Wright
Gary Haugen
Robert Bellah
Mother Teresa
Dorothy Day
Francis Chan
John Stott
Three Mile an Hour God, Kosuki Koyama
Mary Oliver
 Marjorie Thompson
Kurt Thompson
Brennan Manning

Related Trinity Forum Readings:
Augustine's Confessions, with an introduction by James K. A. Smith
Bright Evening Star, by Madeleine L’Engle
A Practical View of Real Christianity, by William Wilberforce
Wrestling with God, by Simone Weil
Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard
Why God Became Man, by St. Anselm

Related Conversations:
Making as a Spiritual Practice with Mako Fujimura
Writing as a Spiritual Practice with Jonathan Rogers, Tish Harrison Warren, and Doug McKelvey
Walking as a Spiritual Practice with Mark Buchanan

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Special thanks to Ned Bustard for our podcast artwork.

What is Trinity Forum Conversations?

Trinity Forum Conversations is a podcast exploring the big questions in life by looking to the best of the Christian intellectual tradition and elevating the voices, both ancient and modern, who grapple with these questions and direct our hearts to the Author of the answers. We invite you to join us in one of the great joys of life: a conversation among friends on the things that matter most.