Talking Family Law - The Resolution Podcast

In this episode, hosts Simon Blain and Anita Mehta talk to Katharine Landells, Antonia Mee and Sarah Phipps about private FDRs.

Show Notes

Listen to Katharine Landells (solicitor at Withers), Antonia Mee (solicitor at Burgess Mee) and Sarah Phipps (barrister at QEB) make the case for private FDRs, explain the project to ensure that women are also being put forward as private FDR evaluators and discuss what is key to having a successful private FDR.

Herewith the best practice guidelines about selecting your FDR evaluator from 5th October 2021.  In effect,  regardless of the size of the list of proposed evaluators you are invited to include one from each gender.  The invitation is still in place today, and is supported by Resolution.  

If and when this guidance is updated we will add it to these Notes. 

What is Talking Family Law - The Resolution Podcast?

Guests take on a topical debate in family law in each episode in this podcast series from Resolution. Our hosts, Simon Blain and Anita Mehta, invite family law experts to share their experiences and anecdotes, in an insightful and entertaining conversation.