Boundaries of Expression

Jo Glanville talks to Quinn McKew, Executive Director for ARTICLE 19, First Amendment expert, lawyer and ARTICLE 19 trustee Bob Latham, and Alexandra Reeve Givens, CEO at the Center for Democracy and Technology, about the attack on reproductive rights, but also on people’s right to access information and to freely express themselves.

Show Notes

The United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on 24 June 2022, and with it, the right to abortion as a constitutional right. A number of states took immediate action: in South Carolina, moves are underway to make it illegal to provide information about abortion; in Texas, people are being encouraged to spy and report on anyone who offers assistance to people getting an abortion. 

Jo Glanville talks to Quinn McKew, Executive Director for ARTICLE 19, First Amendment expert, lawyer and ARTICLE 19 trustee Bob Latham, and Alexandra Reeve Givens, CEO at the Center for Democracy and Technology, about the attack on reproductive rights, but also on people’s right to access information and to freely express themselves.

What is Boundaries of Expression?

The right to truth, part of Boundaries of Expression, a new series of interventions from ARTICLE 19.