The Talking Newspaper

- Planning is refused for Carlow town apartments
- Carlow resident is Teagasc director
- Gardai investigating break-ins
- Donation boxes stolen from churches
- St Laserian's is included in creative schools initiative
- High praise for Borris VS students who excelled in their Leaving certs
- Graiguecullen housing estate wins national award

Show Notes

Articles featured on pages 2, 5 and 8 of The Carlow Nationalist on October 12th 2021.

What is The Talking Newspaper?

The Talking Newspaper is a collaboration between Carlow County Council Library Service, The Carlow Nationalist and Carlow Volunteer Centre. Selected articles from weekly editions of the newspaper are recorded by Senior Library Assistant GearĂ³id for the enjoyment and benefit of those with a visual impairment, reading difficulties and for everyone. Over time an archive of the recordings will provide a snapshot of life in Carlow and will be housed on the County Digital Archive platform.