New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock

The gospel of Jesus Christ is like an earthquake. It shakes us to our core, and when that happens, it shakes our families, our cities and our world to the very foundation. The Gospel turns the world upside down, and then rebuilds it into something more beautiful and glorious than it was before. In Acts 16 we follow the disciples carrying the gospel into places where it disrupts culture and the enemy’s strongholds over people.

Show Notes

To plug into our daily bible study, text 'DLR' to 501-200-3122 and follow the link to sign up. For more information on how to get connected at New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock, follow us on Instagram @nlcdowntownlittlerock or visit our website at

What is New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock?

A podcast from New Life Church - Downtown, a location of New Life Church, Arkansas located in the heart of Downtown Little Rock.