Critical Conversations with Gretchen Jones, The Podcast

Season One is now officially complete.

Each Critical Conversation episode was centered on supporting the self actualized change one of my clients is seeking. Season One was a self funded experimental series, inspired by real clients who encouraged me to push my own boundaries and connect to more people, one episode at a time.

If you’ve liked what you’ve heard and find it helpful in elevating your own endeavors - It would mean the world to me to have you listen, rate and review the season, please take a moment to elevate my game the way I hope to elevate yours!

Show Notes

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What is Critical Conversations with Gretchen Jones, The Podcast?

Dive into Gretchen Jones's studio and sit in on series of unscripted sessions with her clientele, a diverse range of talented creative professionals. You’ll listen in as she guides each individual towards the self-actualized change they seek - for themselves, their businesses, and their professions.