Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty

What does it look like for mothers and fathers to support each other fully? 

What world do we want to create for our children?

These questions require both mothers and fathers in the room to answer, as we further the evolutionary process together, in relationship. 

That’s why Rachelle Garcia Seliga and I are conducting a 3 part online conversation, called Journey into the Wilds, to discover what can happen when a collective of fathers and mothers allow themselves to be fully present with themselves and each other. 

This feels like a pinnacle moment of bridging the father’s space with the depth of knowledge and insight only available from the mother’s lived experience. Together we are excited to clear space and articulate a vision for the future of a truly empowered and connected parenthood journey. 

Rachelle Garcia Seliga is a Mother, Wife and Midwife who is midwifing a cultural shift through her teachings, trainings and in-person experiences. She is a Certified Professional Midwife. Hands-on, life experience informs all of Rachelle’s work, and forms a strong basis of INNATE Postpartum Care - Certification Training, where students learn simple, empowering modalities that bring about true healing and vibrant health for postpartum Mothers and families.

Find out more and sign up here: https://dandoty.com/journey-into-the-wilds

What is Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty?

Fatherhood is the biggest rite of passage in a man’s life, and our biggest opportunity to grow up, wake up, and to learn who you actually are. This podcast is intended to be a lightning rod to call men to action, to create community, and to set a new tone and standard for what fatherhood means.