Collisions YYC

In this episode, learn about the challenges of building and sustaining a startup by using proper investment strategies. You'll hear from Mark Mitchell, experienced investor and Co-Founder of Red Thread Ventures and Weave VC, who comes back on the show to shed light on the importance of focusing on what can be controlled to avoid the failure of a company. Whether you're considering seeking outside capital or just want to improve your VC knowledge, this episode is a must-listen!

Mark explores the critical need for startups to improve their chances of securing second and third rounds of funding. By incorporating outside perspectives, startups can improve their chances of success and reduce biases faced by VC firms while investing. Mark also touches on the challenges of starting a fund and provides insights on how to establish the right fund structure, tax structure, and fund administration partners and shares some key numbers on how many companies they talk to versus how many they invest in. This episode delivers valuable insights that can help your business succeed. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from an expert in the field!

What is Collisions YYC?

Tired of the same old news cycle? Get informed on what’s happening in businesses in Calgary, Alberta and beyond with Collisions YYC.

Tyler Chisholm hosts Alberta’s best and brightest minds who are shaping the very landscape of our province with their work in fields like Technology, FinTech, Energy, Healthcare, Education, AI, and more. Tyler’s inherent curiosity and exploratory style fuel candid conversations with the people who are driving change in our city, our province and the world.

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