Tools For Tools with Ninja & The Birdman

This episode focuses on the strength gained in making friends with those on the same path as you.

Show Notes

Whether it's a hobby or a path to recovery or something entirely different, what keeps us coming back? What helps us persevere as we make progress toward learning a new skill or even just making discoveries about ourselves? Hardee and Tom would argue that the friendships made along the way are a huge part of it. In this episode, they discuss the importance of friends they've made during birding and martial arts retreats and how friends can motivate, teach, and inspire.

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Hardee Merrit (aka Ninja) is the owner of Chapel Hill Quest Martial Arts. He has been studying To-Shin Do Ninjitsu for 21 years and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 16 years. He is an avid outdoorsman. Many of his skills, teachings, and product reviews are shared on his website The Ninja Everyday.

Tom Ferguson (aka The Birdman) is a chef/entrepreneur who is currently the CEO of Rise. A workaholic who has faced many struggles in his life, he now finds solace in the practice of birdwatching and photography and hopes to share this experience with others. Follow his adventures on his website Hyper Manic Birdman.

Produced, recorded, and edited by Jon Gregory (aka Juan Huevos)
Music by Jon Gregory

What is Tools For Tools with Ninja & The Birdman?

Welcome to Tools For Tools, a podcast where a couple of self-proclaimed "tools" share the tips and tricks they've learned to lead a more mindful and meditative lifestyle. Focusing predominantly on the themes of birding, martial arts, nature, and meditation, hosts Hardee Merrit (aka Ninja) and Tom Ferguson (aka The Birdman) reminisce on outdoor adventures and discuss how their own hobbies, behavioral changes, and mindful practices have become tools to assist them in their busy lives. Expect lots of talk about birds, camping gear, weapons, wilderness skills, fitness, and more.