Revive Yourself Podcast With Ryan Martin

Having been in the natural health and alternative world for 12 years now, I generally know most of the names on the scene. However, around June last year I saw a video from this Northern lass, who was outlining exactly why see was worried about what was really going on with Covid-19, and why everyone else should be too. That incredibly brave lady was Biba Tanya, and that video got tens of thousands of views. 

Since then Biba has changed careers, moved abroad, kept telling the truth, and she has gone from strength to strength. I knew I had to get Biba on the show to tell her story and I am glad to say she agreed. 

So here we go …

In today’s show we covered:

What made Biba’s record her viral video (pun intended)
How easy it was for the government to pull this hoax
Why Biba left the U.K. 
Why Biba will never get a Covid nasal swab
Biba’s stance on vaccines and the Covid injections
How Biba deals with trolls & hate email
Where Biba see the world going
How the masses have been programmed by the TV & much more

It was a real pleasure to speak to Biba, and I know this won’t be the only time we have her on the show. 

You can find Biba here:

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You can find products mentioned on the episode here


Give us a follow on social media: 

Twitter: @revive_yourself
Insta: revive_yourself
Facebook: @ReviveNaturalHealth

Linked Inn:

Medium: @ryan-revive-yourself

Enjoy the show and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family, as well as writing a comment, or a review on iTunes.

To Your Health & Happiness


Show Notes

Having been in the natural health and alternative world for 12 years now, I generally know most of the names on the scene. However, around June last year I saw a video from this Northern lass, who was outlining exactly why see was worried about what was really going on with Covid-19, and why everyone else should be too. That incredibly brave lady was Biba Tanya, and that video got tens of thousands of views. 

Since then Biba has changed careers, moved abroad, kept telling the truth, and she has gone from strength to strength. I knew I had to get Biba on the show to tell her story and I am glad to say she agreed. 

So here we go …

In today’s show we covered:

What made Biba’s record her viral video (pun intended)
How easy it was for the government to pull this hoax
Why Biba left the U.K. 
Why Biba will never get a Covid nasal swab
Biba’s stance on vaccines and the Covid injections
How Biba deals with trolls & hate email
Where Biba see the world going
How the masses have been programmed by the TV & much more

It was a real pleasure to speak to Biba, and I know this won’t be the only time we have her on the show. 

You can find Biba here:

If you love our Podcast and want to support the Revive Yourself quest to promote holistic health and wellness information, become a Patron.

For more Revive Yourself podcast episodes, visit

You can find products mentioned on the episode here


Give us a follow on social media: 

Twitter: @revive_yourself
Insta: revive_yourself
Facebook: @ReviveNaturalHealth

Linked Inn:

Medium: @ryan-revive-yourself

Enjoy the show and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family, as well as writing a comment, or a review on iTunes.

To Your Health & Happiness


What is Revive Yourself Podcast With Ryan Martin?

If you want to improve your health and ultimately your life, then the Revive Yourself Podcast with Ryan Martin is exactly what you are looking for.

Join your host Ryan Martin as he dives deep into natural health, holistic healing, alternative medicine, naturopathy, biological medicine and much more all in a bid to give you the knowledge and confidence that your health really does lie in your own hands. Ryan’s aim is to leave no stone unturned when it comes to giving you the best and most recent information out there. Listen in as he interviews the leading specialists from around the world such as scientists, expert authors, doctors, researchers and coaches.

You’ll learn why medication, surgery and conventional “health care” methods aren’t the best options the vast majority of times, and instead how diet, mindfulness, exercise and detoxification protocols are the key to vitality and life long health. Special guests include, Dr John Bergman, Dr Thomas Levy, Dr. David Kennedy, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Karen Thomas, Terry Tillaart, Dr Joel Kah and more