Merck Manuals Medical Myths

Discover the progressive metabolic bone disease that affects bone mineral density and structure, leading to fragility fractures. Explore common myths surrounding osteoporosis and gain valuable insights into prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Dr. Bolster, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, separates fact from fiction, provides expert answers to key questions and leaves listeners empowered with the knowledge to take charge of their bone health. Don't miss this informative discussion on osteoporosis. Medical knowledge is power – pass it on.

What is Merck Manuals Medical Myths?

The Merck Manuals pits myths against medical degrees. Should you put butter on a burn? Drink coffee to sober up? Feed a cold and starve a fever? On this podcast, physicians from around the country set the record straight and help you make more informed decisions about your health. For listeners in the U.S. and Canada, visit to learn more. For those outside the U.S. and Canada, visit for more information.