Volver al Futuro

James Maskell has spent the last decade innovating at the cross section of functional medicine and community. Originally trained in health economics, James is on a mission to flatten the curve of healthcare costs building companies and creating content, community and integrated health systems and philosophies. He is the founder of The Functional Forum and Heal Community. 

James is a changemaker. He knows that changes take time and that we usually cannot predict how our actions will impact the ecosystem further down the line. I am drawn to his passion for building community, knowledge, and hope within a failing medical system. I admire his methods of finding economically viable projects that bring together the best from Lifestyle Medicine, Community Medicine, Functional Medicine, Alternative Medicine, and all other fields within the realm of Health and Wellness. He has been in this game for more than ten years, and today’s episode reflects on his journey and what we can expect in the next 10 to 20 years

What is Volver al Futuro?

Entrar al nuevo paradigma de salud depende de un grupo selecto de individuos que se han atrevido a cuestionar y a proponer. Conducido por Victor Saadia, Volver al Futuro Podcast es la plataforma para Reinventar de adentro hacia afuera y de afuera hacia adentro, la Salud y el Bienestar.