Reykjavík Tonight

Did you know that the Sauropod has an internship program? We didn't either, but apparently it's very highly regarded. Join us for orientation as we welcome new show intern Shrishma to the RVKTNT offices and find out exactly what her deal is and if she can get college credit for her participation (hint: she cannot). Featuring Dettifoss Bergmann, Shrishma Naik, and Justin Zeppa.

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Show Notes

Did you know that the Sauropod has an internship program? We didn't either, but apparently it's very highly regarded. Join us for orientation as we welcome new show intern Shrishma to the RVKTNT offices and find out exactly what her deal is and if she can get college credit for her participation (hint: she cannot). Featuring Dettifoss Bergmann, Shrishma Naik, and Justin Zeppa.

We appreciate your support, so please subscribe, rate, review, and follow the show. Tell all your friends, tell your enemies too.  

Instagram: @thesauropod 

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What is Reykjavík Tonight?

Iceland is an island of volcanoes, sheep, and evil junior hockey teams. Find out what the hell goes on there, courtesy of genuine all-American, Justin Zeppa, and genuine all-Icelander, Dettifoss Bergmann. It's a cultural exchange that is always just a heartbeat away from sparking an international incident.