Creator Generation

Making money as a creator is an epic question, and one most people don't quite understand. Because the answers are so varied (and for many, surprising), we decided to cut together another episode on the subject.

Here you'll find more of the best and most useful advice from top creators and experts, aimed to help demystify this area. We hope you'll be able to take some of these ideas to diversify your income.

Show Notes

The AMaazing on expanding revenue and merchandise (0:31)
Branden Harvey on multiple revenue sources (1:16)
Planet Dolan on diversifying revenue through multiple platforms (3:27)
Rosie's Dessert Spot on custom merch linked from brand (9:00)
Little Grey Box on non-monetary perks and brand deals (10:41)
Tom Thum on never compromising with brand deals (14:20)
Chikas Chic on creating your own merch and dodgy brand offers (15:45)
Aaron Gocs on selling merch (17:01)
Immy Maryam on part-time work supplementing YouTube income (17:58)

Creator Generation features top YouTube creators and video experts sharing their tips, insights and stories for working on the world's biggest video platform.    

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What is Creator Generation?

Creator Generation features top online video creators and experts sharing their tips, insights and stories for working on YouTube, TikTok and the world's biggest video platforms.