Melissa Opel is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and a volunteer minister at the Spokane, Washington Buddhist Temple. Her story is equal parts moving and compelling to me as someone who used to think I knew what was best for everyone else.

Show Notes

Melissa Opel is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and a volunteer minister at the Spokane, Washington Buddhist Temple. Her story is equal parts moving and compelling to me as someone who used to think I knew what was best for everyone else.

What is LENSES?

We only see the world the way we've been trained to see it, these are our lenses. Lenses podcast is an opportunity to see the world through someone else's lenses by listening to their story. It's an opportunity to learn to see life in a less restricted way.
Lenses podcast is mostly for other white, heterosexual, cis-gendered, Christian influenced, American males like me. This particular set of lenses is considered privileged due to us holding most of the positions of power and influence in religion, government, and even our own homes. Because of this we seldom feel the need to see from anyone else's point of view. This is a chance for us to sit down, shut up, and listen. Maybe we'll come to see the world can be much more colorful and beautiful than we knew.